UCI vs. CC?

<p>well, i was recently accepted into UCI on a bioengineering major but rejected from UCD. I plan to get into UCD some way or another, so here’s my question: should i go to UCI for two years and then transfer as a junior, or go to CC for two years and then transfer. cuz i heard it’s easier from CC than UC transfer. going to the UCI would give me that college experience but when it comes to two years will i be willing to leave anymore? going to CC would be cheaper and possibly easier to get into UCD, but it means staying home for another two years. so, thoughts?</p>

<p>also, i’m thinking of appealing to UCD, here’s my scores, is it possible in the slightest?
GPA: 4.0 weighted
SAT I: 1960
SAT II: 790/740</p>

<p>with those stats...i would go to UCI</p>

<p>Just go to UCI</p>

<p>it's kick ass</p>

<p>I have friends who where so into Davis, when they finally got there... hated it.</p>

<p>But, it depends on the person I guess.... you never know and yeah, u could do ur transfer by your junior year from UCI, but by then u;ll probably have tons of friends and such.</p>

<p>CC, depends which CC, I have friends in CC right now, most of them are just "taking classes just because" and others are actually working their way to get to a major UC</p>

<p>u can also do the UCD admissions gurantee in one year, IDK how it works, maybe u want to check</p>

<p>I would say CC which gives you your best changes. Transfering b/t UC's IS possible but it is very difficult !</p>

<p>Most if not all community colleges get priority over universities when it comes to a school selecting a transfer. If you go on uc davis's web-site and click under transfer admission it says they give first priority to CC students, and then UC's, CSU's, OOS. Also, I have a friend who went to UCI and decided to go to moorpark for one year then transfer to UCLA. He found out that his classes at UCI don't transfer to UCLA, so he feels he's stuck having to go back to UCI, so you have to look into that. Personally if Davis is your first choice, and you have your heart set on that school go to a CC. It's an easier transition in my mind. I'm doing the community college thing first and transferring. Hopefully I transfer this year, still waiting from schools. And what haiku is mentioning is community colleges have a thing with some uc's and csu's called TAG, which is a transfer admission guarantee. All you have to do is finish your pre-req's for your specific major which happens to be bioengineering. It'll most likely take more than one year however, most likely 2. If you however have taken AP classes, you could transfer within a year. But if you want to learn more go to uc davis admissions web-page and check what they offer to transfer students. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>You might save some money at city college, of course it's not the same as going to a university. You're stats aren't that great and you're pretty lucky you got into UCI, so you should consider it (its ranked equally to UCD by USNWR) although UCD and UCI are in very different locations.</p>

<p>Go where you will be happiest and where you think you will be able to perform at your highest level. That will help you get into Davis later. I know lots of people who have transferred into Davis from state colleges. It isn't an unrealistic goal. Go ahead and appeal, your stats are fine. Yo have nothing to lose and everything to gain by appealing.</p>

<p>Worth appealing. You have adequate to good stats, and don't let anyone tell you different. Keep your chin up. UCI is a good school, but I would appeal Davis if that is where you want to be and frankly, have a serious conversation with both UCI and UCD counselors to get their views on what you are planning. Good luck!</p>