UCI vs. UMiam Hard to decide!

<p>Hello guys, I am international student from China. And I will be an undergraduate freshman this year. I recently got accpeted to both UCI - University of California, Irvine (bussines economics major - School of Social Sciences, which is not in School of Buiness Administration) and UM - University of Miami (undeclared major - School of Business Administration). I know they both are excellent colleges and they are competitive, that's why I don't know how to decide...
My major will be business for sure. I am an international student, money is not a big deal for me to decide the school because for international students the fees are similar.</p>

<p>There are lots issues that really matters me to make the decision. </p>

<p>The most important thing - I will get into the business program for sure. As you see above, I got accpted to the school of School of Business Administration at UMiami, but I just got accpted to the School of Social Sciences at UCI which I prefer go to the school of Business Administration directly. Does anyone know is the business program good at UMiami? I heard the business program is not so good comparte to other majors at Umiami though.</p>

<p>Also, the size of these two colleges' classes really matter me! Because UCI is a public school and UM is a private school, and generally the private schools have way smaller classes size than public schools', is it correct? If it's true, I really want to know how many students in lower division classes (intro classes) at UM in general?? Because I really care the size of classes...
Specifically, does anyone know about the size of business classes?</p>

<p>Moreover, the background and race of these two schools. I heard there are lots of Latinos and Hispanics at UM, and lots of Asian at UCI. I am a Chinese, so I know how competitive at college which full of Asians... I know Asians are smart and crazy, so I think UCI with 47% Asian could kill me... However, compare to UCI, I heard UMiami is famous for "party school", people there are super rich and superfical, they care about parties more than acdemic studying. Is it true?? I mean, I wish I could go to school have a competitive enviroment but not super intense... I want to have a moderate enviornment to study. Is it true the studying enviornment at UCI is really competitive but at UMiami is too relaxing??
Another thing, if there are lots of Latinos and Hispanics at Umiami, is it better to know a little Spanish? Would I be so embarrasing if I don't know any Spanish at UM?</p>

<p>By the way, because I am from a place full of mosquitos, I don't care the weather and climate that much at Umiam, even though I heard so many people said the climate in Miami wasn't good to live for long time... </p>

<p>If anyone could answer my tons of questions, I would be really appreciated!</p>

<p>I can say that UM or UMiami is a great school. UM used to have a party reputation but now this is changing. The caliber of the students coming to Miami have changed in the last five years as you can see by the stats of people being accepted here in CC. Many classes are small and academics are taken seriously. The weather in Miami is great most of the school year. Very few places in the US allow you to go to the beach 12 months out of the year. The student body is diverse. Not everybody from UM is from Miami or even Florida do you will find a lot of different cultures. UCI is also a great school but I do not live in California so I cannot tell you more.</p>

<p>Got it! Thanks for your information! I guess I am going to Umiami!</p>

<p>My son applied to several of the UC schools but was advised not to apply to UCI by his college advisor. He felt that it was basically a commuter school with very little school spirit and very little social life on weekends. Miami is a much smaller school with more of a family atmosphere and enthusiastic students who love their school. The city of Miami and the university are much more diverse than Irvine California. You will get a good education at both schools, but I think you will have more fun at Miami. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thank you! I honesty not a fun person… But I do like to live a fun place;)</p>