<p>I want to go to UCLA to major in psychology and minor in accounting. How hard is it to get into the accounting minor and are there any required prerequisites?</p>
<p>Yes, accounting minor is extremely competitive at UCLA. For you, You need to be admitted to UCLA first as psychology major and then you apply for the accounting minor. Below is the link for how to apply:</p>
<p>[UCLA</a> Anderson School of Management | Accounting Minor | Apply to Minor](<a href=“http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x1205.xml]UCLA”>http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x1205.xml) </p>
<p>If you haven’t done any accounting, you certainly need to take Management 1A and Management 1B there. Even though it is elementary accounting, I’ll warn you first that the courses will be extremely competitive to get good grade.
I didn’t get any A in these elementary courses (I got ONLY 1 C+ in my entire college career and it is in elementary accounting! Ridiculous!) BUT I got straight A from calculus to differential equation and 1 A- in intermediate accounting! </p>
<p>What I observed is that there are too many people who wants to apply for the minor so the all the accounting courses are usually big (100+ students per course) and the professors tend to make the test very hard to differentiate students’ performances. Also, there are many tough professors teaching accounting! Even after you getting in, it would be tough to finish all the accounting. </p>
<p>In summary, the subject is easy but the competition is crazy and professors are hard. </p>
<p>However, if you have a minor there, it will be very benefitial to your career advancement if you go into accounting because many companies especially BIG 4 are recruiting UCLA students every year and accounting salary range is from 38k to 55k. </p>
<p>About me: Math major with accounting UCLA alumni!</p>
<p>Thanks, Kevin!</p>