UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Thunder 52,
It sounds like he will have great choices either way! Another thing you might consider is comparing tuition prices. I don’t know if you live in California but out of state UCLA versus Baldwin Wallace with good merit may be worth considering. I wouldn’t want to send my theater/drama graduate out into the world with a lot of debt if you know what I mean. That said Baldwin Wallace does a great job placing grads on Broadway and UCLA has incredible connections in many areas so either way I’m sure he will do great. Good luck and enjoy the ride. :blush: And keep me posted with next steps at &UCLA! :star_struck:

I like how you think. I do strategic improvement for a living so I’m always trying to figure out the flow chart. I’ve asked this same kind of question about the process behind the big USC merit scholarships. ( nothing clear there either but I get the sense those scholarship decisions are more holistic and nuanced — but even then there has to be a sort and top candidates go to the schools to choose who they want to interview).

For UC, there has to be some algorithm used to sort for some of this, particularly for UC regents since they always say it’s the top 1-2 percent academically. A sorted subset must go to the UCLA faculty panel and there must be some consideration that they are distributed between the different schools. The alumni scholarships are focused on leadership and ECs, so perhaps a sort based on the EC list/hours? Don’t think the GPA needs to be as sky high for the alumni — they are looking at a different group.

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When we did a UCSD school tour, we heard that they only look at grades from year 10 and 11. Is that still true and true for UCLA? My son has 2 Bs from Spanish 3 in grade 9 but subsequently all As with all APs and honors level courses and I am wondering if the Bs in 9th grade hurt him.

All UC’s only consider 10-11th a-g course grades for the UC GPA calculation but 9th grades are reviewed for completion/passing of the a-g course requirements. 12th grade in-progress classes are reviewed to determine HS course rigor. Also only in-state CA HS Honors courses that are UC approved will get the extra weighting in the UC GPA calculation along with AP/IB and UC transferable DE courses taken the summer prior to 10th through the summer prior to 12th.

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Thank you @gumbymom!! This is a great community of parents and I am so grateful for each and every one of you!


I am kind of confused
Is there a separate application for regents scholarship for the UCs or you are considered automatically based on your UC application?
When we went to login on the UCLA alumni scholarship application as invited, we noticed that a general scholarship application was needed before having access to the alumni scholarship questions.
Many of the questions on the general scholarship application were already answered in the general UC application. Is this expected?
Do we have to do something similar to be considered for regents at UCB?

UCLA does not send out early admissions but identifies their Regents candidates in February. Candidates are sent a code with access to the Regents application (ie. essay) which is due within a week or so of notification.

UCB sends acceptances to their Regents candidates in February. Berkeley Regents candidates are asked to interview for the award.

UCSB sends Regents acceptances 1-2 weeks after Berkeley. There is no application or interview on top of the general UC application but they send a very nice certificate/award in the mail.

UCI accepts Regents and honors students in February. Notifications are via a portal update and not in the mail. Neither Regents or CHP requires an additional application or interview.

I believe all of the other UCs notify Regents scholars via a portal update when general admissions are sent out in March.


Very helpful
So, for now just to fill out the general UCLA scholarship application and then the alumni and wait to see how the stars align

Regents has always been considered an academic award. Back in they day, you could almost predict which kids would be offered Regents based on test scores and GPA. Now that the UCs are test blind, I would imagine there is some sort of rigor factor that they use to separate the 4.0s from the 4.0s.

Purely anecdotal but I think they spread out the Regent scholarships through the different colleges/departments at each campus.


Would not applying the general and alum scholarships hurt the chance to get into UCLA? We just opened the alum invite and there are two prompts to answer with 500 words limit each. So wondering if it matters apply or not. Thanks.

Applying for scholarships has no bearing on admissions.

UC’s are need blind for admissions.

What are the two prompts?

You can find the application and prompts here. Any UCLA applicant can apply. You do not need to have received the invite.

Check the UCLA scholarship portal for other opportunities.


Thxs for the links. Our son rcvd the alumni scholarship invite. But I had no idea the number of other scholarships available. Good information indeed.

Thanks so much. Apologies if this has been answered already (I didn’t see it after a quick review of the thread), but does the alumni scholarship committee have access to the student’s application? I know it is a different group of people making the decision - just not sure if they have access to the full app or not.

No, the Alumni scholarship committee does not have access to the UC application.


CDS for 2021-2022 is out



Wow, I guess I was oblivious to the imbalance between males and females.


Only 12% from out of state for undergrads?