UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

And you just know that the enrollment in stem skews male, so the imbalance in the rest of the school is even more toward females than the overall numbers reflect.


Yikes. 200 admitted out of 10000 who accepted a place on the waitlist!

Lots of choices for dating for the lucky accepted boys :sweat_smile:


As a CA parent, that’s still too high :wink:

A whopping 55% of admitted students had perfect 4.0 UW UC GPA.


Yes, very few accepted off the waitlist last year. Some UC’s like Davis accepted none.


All of them should go out and buy lottery tickets.

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why have such a big waitlist?


I think it’s really almost 20%!

This was the 2020 Waitlist info:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 14470
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 9254
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 1779

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With the last budget, I believe there is now a cap at 18% so yeah the 20% makes sense since the budget was in response to in state pressure.

I believe 2020 data was anomaly with the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020 (has it been that long?). Typically, UCLA is a very tough admit from the waitlist, as it was when my older D18 applied for the 2018-2019 school year.

Cal always seems to have far more “churn” from their WL.

My son just received an interview for UCLA Theater. Does anyone know what to expect in terms of questions or what they are looking for? He’s already resubmitted his auditions with their directors notes. Thanks.


Congrats and BAL!

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BTW You may wish to direct your question to the 2026 BFA Prescreen Results discussion. Perhaps someone there might be better able to answer it :performing_arts:


Also there are UCLA theatre parents in this FB group who may be able to help you.


Did I read that incorrectly? It looked like first time freshman OOS was 19%. I am sorry to say I have to agree with ucscuuw, that is too high if our instate qualified kids are denied admission.


I read 12% for undergraduates


The 19% probably is both under and graduate students as freshman

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This is very helpful. Thanks for sharing. Do you know if other UCs have such a document?

Most schools (UC and others) publish their Common Data Set with this info. Google the name of the school and “Common Data Set” to find it.

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