UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Yes, if you look at the stats for UCLA’s OOS accepted students, they are even higher than the ones for CA residents.

Except for the one from Engineering about a week before decisions come out inviting the student to the Discover UCLA Engineering event (if they still have that).

Just curious is this driven by revenue (i.e. higher out of state tuition fees)?

yes as a means to balance their budget

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Gov. Newsom proposed big budget increase to UCs. One stipulation is that they increase number of state students. Basically the additional money funds that gap between in-state and OOS tuition.


Welcome back @10s4life !

For any applicant that has specific questions about Engineering/CS, @10s4life is your person. A wealth of knowledge, since they graduated not too long ago.


Thanks @sushiritto

@10s4life , my daughter is applying for biomedical engineering. how are research opportunities for undergraduate biomedical eng. students at UCLA? hearing that UCSD is a better place for biomedical eng. research / internship because of industry presence? Would be great to hear another perspective on this. Thanks

I don’t know about biomedical engineering, but I can tell you for sure that there are undergraduate research opportunities available in mechanical engineering. Probably some overlap there with biomed eng.

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@lkg4answers covered it but yes it is April 9th. Highly rec going its a great event!

A few things to unpack here.

Yes instate has a lower rate on paper than out of state. That is a skewed number though. Far more applicants are in state artificially increasing the applicant pool thus lowering the admit rate. It is fairly easy to apply in state. If I am a student who would normally be targeting easier to get into UC’s why not pay the extra $$ and click the UCLA or Cal checkmarks to throw my name in the hat? The out of state acceptance rate is higher because there are less for UCLA to choose from. Also on average the OOS stats are higher so its not actually “easier”. Another thing to note too is that the UC’s have quotas for in state and OOS populations and the spots don’t overlap. I personally would rather take my chances with the in state pool.


Hey welcome back! Hope your kid is enjoying UCLA. The engineering email no longer comes out early. Or at least it didn’t last year.

Thanks! Happy to help answer anyone’s questions.

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Bio engineers at UCLA have the highest research participation rate out of all the UCLA engineering majors. Lots going on and the student org BMES is very tight nit. UCSD is a stronger program on paper and has the SD biotech proximity but all the bio engineers at UCLA i know are either in PhD programs or are employed in the industry.

In reality, undergrad engineering is all pretty much the same so I would choose a school based on fit. UCSD will provide a great education but the social life there is pretty meh. Thats just my opinion I’m sure others would beg to differ.

Thanks for the info. Glad to hear about the UCLA research participation. Yes, UCSD looks attractive.

Hope my daughter gets admitted to one or either of these two (or UCB). As SoCal born and brought up, UCB, UCLA, and UCSD are the institutions that will keep her in-state.

Other choices: She has been deferred to RD at Georgia Tech and accepted at Purdue (with honors college). Awaiting decisions from UIUC and USC (she is a NMSF and hopes to be a NMF)

@youcee Thanks for the info

did everybody get the UCLA “Get the facts on UCLA’s affordability” email?


We did.


11:02 am pst

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Thanks. It was in spam folder