UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Wow, thank you. From our So Cal public school the admission rate for Berkeley is about twice as high as UCLA’s. And San Diego admit rate roughly same as Berkeley’s. I had not realized there was such as difference for UCLA :astonished:


Yes, apparently footnote 10 says it’s weighted and capped.

Wondering about Bruin Day on 4/9/22 - are there enough visitor parking spots? Or should visitors plan on ride sharing to there?

Update 2021 Freshman admit rates based on the Capped Weighted UC GPA can be found here:



Pre-pandemic the parking was fine if you got there early (I think we were there at 8.30am and there was lots of room). You do have to pay for the parking structure but it’s cheaper than an Uber (and all day parking elsewhere in Westwood is difficult/expensive).

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Thank you!

Thanks! My child’s 2,000-student public high school in California hasn’t admitted anyone to UCLA since 2016. Is this a bad sign?

doubt that is real

which part?

“Applicants fewer than 5 and admits and enrollees fewer than 3 are not shown”
Maybe this is why you’re not showing any admits (because there were fewer than 3?)

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I suppose that’s possible, but in 2021 they were all accounted at other UCs with no leftovers.

But @sneakymom90 you cannot tell from the data if a single student was admitted at multiple UCs, can you? So I don’t think you can tell from the data you see if all students are accounted for.

At my D22’s out-of-state high school, I can see that 16 students applied and 11 were admitted in 2021.

There is no info shown about admits to any specific UC, so I take that to mean that no UC admitted more than 4 students.

But for all I know, out of the 11, it could be:
UCB - admitted 2
UCLA - admitted same 2 plus 2 more
UCI - admitted same 2 plus 2 different in addition
UCSD - admitted same 2 plus 1 admitted nowhere else
UCD - admitted 4 not admitted anywhere else

So that would be a total of 17 admissions among 11 students, but no more than 4 at any one school, so they don’t appear on the table.

In your case, the table might show 11 admitted to UCI, but not show 4 of them were also admitted to UCLA, I think.

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Good point, explains why some high schools show almost 80 % admit rate if you interpret the data wrong…I believe it lets you filter by campus as well…That should help.

Yes, you can choose a single campus from the dropdowns

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But if fewer than 5 students are admitted, the drop downs are blank. At least if I looking in the right spot.

Oh sorry, I didn’t understand that was your question

Sorry, I was replying to sneakymom90’s post about the table accounting for all applicants — should have been more clear


Good points! Thanks for digging into the data. I looked at our school again, and you’re right: 14 students ended up enrolling, 4 at one UC campus and 9 and another, so there’s one left over.

Got another email on exploring campus life.


I got this as well.