UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Same here


No email for me. Nothing in spam folder too.
Maybe they send in waves.

Yes it is going out to everyone in waves…We got it a few hours after the initial post…No worries, no bearing on admissions chances one way or another.


WOW! The only email my DD has received thus far was the Alumni Invite. Ugh, her Spam Folder is set to automatic delete! Double Ugh!!

Correct — up thread is mention that this kind of marketing material is not a sign regarding the likelihood of admission.


I would fix the auto delete as we’ve had at least one request for additional info from another school land in there…May make for some manual cleaning, but better safe right ?

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Great Advice! I will advise my daughter to alter her Spam folder. Thanks ahead!!

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I second that. My daughter had an interview request from another school land in her spam folder. Found it a week later only because I insisted she check. Luckily it wasn’t too late (although the delay wasn’t a good look).


Same for my son, interview request went to the spam folder, luckily he does check it regularly.

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any idea when regents stuff is coming out?


Hence we created a new email just for college applications. So far the spam folder only gets couple emails from colleges per week on average. Much easier to find.


Regents awards are given at the time of admission. Invites are before.

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UCLA campus life email has no bearing on admissions. Only two emails that count are regents and alumni scholarship.

The alumni association will send an email reminding you of the deadline. Everyone gets that email. The only alumni scholarship email that is correlated with admission is the initial invite one.


sorry if it’s already been answered, but does an invitation to apply for the alumni scholarship mean anything? is it highly recommended to apply? i didn’t because i was extremely busy at the time and the length of the essays was too much to add onto my load.

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Getting the Alumni invite has a correlation to admission but applying or not does not.
It will not negatively impact your admission if you dont apply since Alumni and admissions are different groups.


Hello @10s4life, thanks for all your help here on this forum.

I was wondering if there are any stats (or guesstimates) regarding correlations between getting the alumni scholarship invite and an acceptance (i.e. what % of those invited have typically received an acceptance)?

On the UCB forum I read that getting a Regents invite was an early notice of acceptance. Is that the case for UCLA too?


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No, it is not the case. UCLA will send an email titled something like “Freshman Regents Scholarship Invitation.” In the email it states, " Please note that this invitation to apply for the Regents Scholarship does not constitute an offer of admission. UCLA’s Faculty Committee on Honors, Awards and Prizes will evaluate Regents Scholarships applicants and select the recipients. Regents Scholarship winners notifications are included on their Provisional Award Letter (PAL) in late March with the release of Admission Decisions."

Berkeley sends an email prompting students to check their portal for an update. When they log on, they will see their letter of acceptance. At the bottom of the acceptance letter is a link to how to schedule a Regents interview, SEEDs scholarship info and other important info.


Scroll up thread. There is a whole discussion on this with @10s4life


Thanks, I had missed that post.

And thanks @lkg4answers!

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Has it come out yet?

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