UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

No many get in that did not get the email.


Thanks for that @Steven_Karlin.

Thank you @10s4life

Let’s face it, we’re all just grasping at straws and looking for any positivity we can find. My son will attend the prospective student alumni zoom tomorrow and happy to report back what we learn. Best of luck to everyone who applied!


I started my alumni application like two days ago. Is this the reason I never got the prospective alumni email for the zoom. It’s worrying me.

I went to the UCLA alumni zoom thing and asked one of the heads about getting invited for the alumni scholarship. He told me it doesn’t mean anything as “100,000 applicants were invited this year”. @Gumbymom @10s4life


It was from George Brown btw ^

I got the alumni scholarship email twice but never the prospective student zoom thing.

I think you had to start the scholarship app to be invited.

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alumni scholarship has an optional question on " what are the othe univs/colleges are you considering". Is that one of those mandatory questions cloaked as optional or real optional ? Thanks


According the General Application guideline below the text box:

This information is used solely to help our marketing and recruitment campaigns and will not have any impact on your admission or financial aid decisions.

So, I think its just for them to get to know from campaign point of view.

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Son just attended the zoom. They were very upfront that they cannot comment on chances of being admitted, advise on how to complete the application or what date they plan to notify applicants. However, the panel discussions and hearing about the great opportunities afforded to those who receive the alumni scholarship were impressive. Takeaway was how awesome it would be to be admitted and be part of the alumni association community. Glad he went


I believe my son had a similar reaction. We finally received the link to register late Friday and he attended yesterday. I previously decided I was not going to bug him anymore about writing the essays but he surprised me by telling he was going to write them after all.


Do u think u had to have made an account to be invited? Because I made one on Friday night

The invite came in an email to my son in January. He didn’t have to do anything other than apply to UCLA to get it. To be invited to the zoom session I think the applicant had to at least start the application for the scholarship.

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My daughter also attended and also changed her mind on doing the essays. She said it was nice talking with alumni even if she doesn’t make it in.

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My kiddo tried signing up for Sunday (on Saturday) but there was no option to select.
Missed the alumni scholarship session.

But he did apply. Yeah!

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My daughter felt same after and with hope, she will polish off her essays today!

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Hi, new parent here… I am wondering about the Regent Invites. I read that it is sent to Top 1 to 2% of applicants. Is that determined by GPA only? # of AP classes? Do EC/Volunteer/Essays play a role?

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Regents is an academic based scholarship but students are chosen based on academic achievement, leadership, and promise as students and leaders in the UCLA community.