UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

and out of those who get Alumni invite many don’t get admitted.
So, dont worry about Alumni invite.
Only correlated one to admission is Regents

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My understanding is that the invitation to apply for an alumni scholarship email is correlated to admittance with estimates ranging from 60% to 80%ish likelihood depending on who’s posting the information on CC over the past few years… so not a given but not unrelated.

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Much weaker correlation in last couple years. This year, anecdotally the Alumni invite out to a very large group of students so you can guess.


UCR admissions just came out, I believe everyone will be hearing from UCLA very very soon!


18th of march probably for UCLA


How do you know?

its been the 3rd friday of march for years now


Any idea how many freshman Alummi scholarships are awarded? Are recipients notified with admission decision?

what’s your source?

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Decisions will most likely come out on March 18th. I know someone who is setting up the Class of 2026 social media pages for the media group on our campus and they told me that decisions are likely to come out on that date. Just wanted everyone to know!


In S’s year I believe there were 150 winners (more may have been added later if they ended up with fewer than expected attending, but you weren’t explicitly waitlisted for the award). And notification was handled separately after admission. Not sure if the numbers have changed, though the process certainly has.

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What time and time zone is the alumni scholarship due tonight?

I don’t see a time posted anywhere. My guess would be midnight California time. But that’s just a guess.

I have the same question! Hoping midnight PST.

I’m wondering about the likelihood that Regents Invitations are sent today or if UCLA will simply assign that scholarship to certain admitted students the way many other UCs do it.

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11:59 pm PST

Isnt the last day to apply for UCLA scholarships? How could decisions be out today?

Prior to 2019, UCLA awarded Regents based on the UC application. Three years ago, UCLA started asking Regents candidates to submit an application (essays) for the scholarship. I do not work for the university but, in my opinion, I can’t see how they have enough time to ask students to submit an application and have faculty read the applications before decisions are released.

Based on the number of students in this thread who didn’t feel it was worth the effort to apply for the Alumni Scholarship, I wonder, in the past, how many high stats students didn’t go through the steps to apply for Regents.

When admissions were released, it was very convoluted for a student to determine if they were awarded Regents or not. A letter was eventually sent in the mail but it arrived several days after admissions decisions were posted. It was very generic and was worded like a college rejection letter. I can’t imagine that it was well received by students who were, in theory, the top 1-2% of applicants.

My personal thoughts are that the high stats students felt pleased and important that they were being considered for Regents but then disappointed when they were rejected for the scholarship. These are students who are being offered Regents scholarships at other UCs and likely receiving offers from private schools as well. My gut feeling is the yield of Regents candidates who applied, but did not receive the award, is low. If that is the case, then they might receive a higher yield if the students never knew they were candidates to begin with.


Thank you for that answer. I am aware of several applicants dating back 2018 cycle who received invitations to apply for Regents so they were thrilled with the knowledge that it was a VERY strong indication that they would be admitted in a month’s time but as you said disappointed that they did not, in fact, receive the scholarship after having put the work in to apply. It will be interesting to see how things shake out this year re: that very specific scholarship.


No one said decisions are coming out today. 3rd Friday of March is the targeted decision date for admission. Tonight is the deadline for the Alumni scholarship.

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