<p>Is there only 1 kind of license plate they give out when you sign up for the Alumni Association? From the one I've seen (the all blue and silver lettering), I think it looks extremely...plain...the hell, lol. You'd think the Alumni Association would have nicer license plates.</p>
<p>I’ve only seen a few, but the best are the ones that say “UCLA” at the top and “Alumni” on the bottom, with alumni surrounding by the Seal and something else.</p>
<p>(Most of these are with USC)</p>
<p>They look real good on Beamers, Lexus’, Audi’s, and other more expensive cars.</p>
<p>They look like **** on crappy Honda’s.</p>
<p>You mean this one?</p>
<p><a href=“http://shop.uclastore.com/p-5088-ucla-seal-alumni-frame.aspx[/url]”>http://shop.uclastore.com/p-5088-ucla-seal-alumni-frame.aspx</a></p>
<p>Are you talking about the frame or the plate? </p>
<p>Under “Collegiate”
[California</a> Special Interest License Plates](<a href=“http://www.dmv.ca.gov/online/elp/elp.htm]California”>http://www.dmv.ca.gov/online/elp/elp.htm)</p>
<p>Sorry, I mean frame.</p>
<p>Yes, that’s the one I’m talking about - looks way better with USC or maybe that’s just because it looks better on a car than on a white background.</p>
<p>I agree with you binks09. South Carolina does have pretty nice license frames.</p>
<p><a href=“College Flags, College Pennants, College Banners at College Flags and Banners Co. your college flag source”>College Flags, College Pennants, College Banners at College Flags and Banners Co. your college flag source;