<p>It's his really subtle way of trolling.</p>
<p>Blurry/Edward if you attack me once more I will e-slap you. shut up!</p>
<p>I hope Firefox's Pop-up blocker will save me.</p>
<p>On a side-note, who the heck is Edward? When I first saw the threat it said "Blurry"
Now it's edited to say "Blurry/Edward"</p>
<p>Hahah, it couldn't be you Ektaylor?</p>
<p>man it's not working for me either... i got excited for a sec!</p>
<p>Listen chihuahua. You and Ektaylor I mean. I was reading the wrong name when I typed that.
Your useless obsession with what I post is gonna get ya nowhere so you might as well get over it</p>
<p>lulz family option is working for me. I got the popup error for regular undergrad though. </p>
<p>Has anyone tried checking on the Bruincard? Try going through that and clicking "Manage my account." I haven't seen any positive results yet, but maybe others can see info.</p>
Damn these theories....damn them!!!
<p>(April 30 ftw)</p>
Blurry/Edward if you attack me once more I will e-slap you. shut up!
<p>Hm if you say so bud. I don't even recall talking to you, let alone attacking you, but whatever you say. O_o</p>
<p>LMAO @ fijeeboi on the family housing thing. </p>
<p>I tried to snooping around with the bruin card and it wouldn't let me access my account.</p>
<p>Pardon me Edward, I slipped.</p>
<p>A momentary lapse in judgment, or a Freudian slip?</p>
<p>Who's to know?</p>
<p>¿Que ?</p>