Hey! I have my UCLA audition for acting (not musical theatre) this sunday, and I have a question.
For my contemporary monologue I want to do Alexander Hamilton’s final monologue from the musical Hamilton. I’m really scared that they won’t accept this monologue because it is from a musical and not a play. can someone please help me, I need it desperately. If they won’t accept this, can anyone recommend a good monologue that I can use? I was thinking about doing one from The Cay, but I have NO clue
Here’s what I found online about UCLA monologue requirements:
Applicants should fully prepare, memorize and present two (2) 90-second monologues from published plays. Please note that monologues originating from “monologue books” or movies are strictly prohibited. Be prepared to answer questions and discuss the play and author, if asked.
Please prepare:
- One CLASSICAL PIECE (written prior to 1800, preferably Shakespeare) - 90 seconds or less
- One CONTEMPORARY PIECE (written after 1900) - 90 seconds or less
Are these the current requirements? If so, Hamilton is not a published play so it should not be used. My google search indicates that The Cay is a children’s novel. Is that correct or is it a play? I’m not familiar with it.
the cay was also adapted into a play, but thank you, I wasn’t super clear on the requirements