Hi, I’m a current junior in high school with three weeks left. I’m just extremely curious as to what my chances are for the colleges I am looking at.
Gender: F
State: South Carolina
Ethnicity: Asian
Income: <50k
Hooks: First generation to go to college
High School: Large public, 2.5k-3k students, most attend in-state or community colleges
Grades/AP/Class Rank/Test Scores
GPA: 3.975
WGPA: 4.5
Class rank: 19/581
Freshman Year
AP Human Geography: 3
Sophomore Year
AP World History: 4
Junior Year (Will receive scores in July)
AP US History
AP Lang
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
Senior Year (Subject to change)
AP Calculus BC
AP Literature
AP Environmental Science
AP Government
SAT: 1970
ACT: 31
EC’s/Volunteer Work
-Club soccer for 6+ years; won state cup in 2011 and 2012; captain from 2012-2014
-School soccer; 2 years JV and 1 year on Varsity; JV Captain
-Varsity Cross Country; sophomore and junior years
-Drama Club VP
-Key Club Officer
-Book Club President
-Current Events Club; honorary member
-Speech and Debate; multiple county and regional awards
-National Beta Club
-National Honors Society
-100+ hours volunteering for city, hospital, and local community theater
-Attended GoSciTech! summer program at SC Governor’s School in 2013
-Fluent in Tagalog and Binisaya
I plan to write my essays on how I grew up playing soccer and its impact on who I am today. I plan to get my recommendations from my school coach, as well as my drama teacher; both of them have impacted my life in many ways. I intend on being a Biology and English double major, possibly moving on to medical school in the future.
U of Miami
U of South Carolina (In-State)
College of Charleston (In-State)