UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@10s4life my S was waitlisted. Do you know if they move waitlisted applicants to accepted status based on any kind of like for like basis? In other words if after May 1st a white in-state male communications major that was accepted did not commit, then do they replace that student with the same description from the waitlist?

One more question @10s4life - do you know if you can let admissions know that you are willing to change to a less impacted major to increase your chances of getting off the waitlist?

@Collegebd4 So I am actually not sure how they decide to move students off the waitlist. But UCLA doesn’t admit by Major for L&S. So your son actually was never waitlisted for comm cause everyone is undeclared technically. The major is only for choosing classes at orientation. So asking to “move majors” actually doesn’t do anything since no ones in a major for L&S. California public schools also don’t and can’t take race into account due to Prop 209. When reviewing apps they have no identifying info other than your gender and economic background. FYI they admit need blind but the economic background provides context for opportunities provided for the applicants.

Hopeully @10s4life or someone knowledgeable can shed some light on our situation
my D was invited to apply for Regents Scholarship in Feb. She was subsequently admitted into CS but didn’t receive the scholarship. Three days ago out of blue she received an email requesting a phone interview for the Alumni Scholarship which we received no prior notifications Is this the standard process for the Alumni Scholarship application? We have contacted the scholarship program office via email but received no reply so far. TIA.

P.S. Since the interview is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon I guess we will just go along with what’s been arranged.

@GrumpyOldEngr Haven’t heard of that situation happening. But congrats on the admit to CS and I would just roll with it. Tell your D to be relaxed and natural during the interview. That’s about the best you can do to prepare!

Hi @10s4life! Thanks for answering all these questions during your spring break! Hopefully we’re not taking up too much of your time :smile: I have another question for you regarding the engineering program. As I told you a few posts back, my son was accepted as an undeclared engineering major. Since his school doesn’t have an AP program (only Honors), he took several classes at the local JC that are all on the IGETC list. Where/How can we find out of these classes transfer over to UCLA? He was hoping to get a head start on GEs by taking them at the JC. Thank you again!

@jrncyn There aren’t a lot of GEs for engineering students (5 total). In my opinion, it’s not really something you need to get ahead on. GEs are pretty cool at UCLA, since they are in a variety of subjects that the students can choose. Plus, it’s an opportunity for an engineering student to take courses with non-STEM types for the only time in their college careers.

If you were going to take some courses at the local JC, you might be better off taking calculus, especially since your son’s school didn’t have AP. Pretty much every Calculus I course at any California Community College is equivalent to UCLA’s Math 31A. Getting one or two math courses under your belt is much more valuable than finishing GEs early.

If you want to list off the courses (and the name of the school) that your son took, I can tell you what they’re equivalent to.

@alicantekid my S also is admitted for EE and was wondering what the Ge courses are. He has a few APs so hoping he gets some credit. Thanks!

How to compare mech eng. to civil, and at ucsb vs. ucla
vs. cal poly vs. scu? hands on/lab/research, rigor, peers, amount of students per class
? cc, any thoughts?

@gzza73 For engineering, the 5 courses need to cover 5 different areas.

1 course in Social Analysis (basically social science type courses like poli sci, sociology, anthro, etc.)
1 course in Historical Analysis (history courses)
1 course in the Life Sciences (biology type courses)
2 courses in arts & humanities, chosen from two different subgroups of the following:

  • Literary & Cultural Analysis
  • Philosophical & Linguistic Analysis
  • Visual & Performance Arts Analysis

Students in Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering don’t need to worry about the Life Sci GE, as the courses that are part of their normal curriculum will cover that one (so essentially those students only have 4 GEs).

The categories are the same for L&S students, except they have to take different amounts of GEs and they also have to satisfy the Physical Science GE area (engineering students are exempt because they’re already taking tons of physics and chemistry as part of their major requirements).

Please note that UCLA does not award any GE credit for AP exams.

I will repeat that. UCLA does not award any GE credit for AP exams.

If a student passes Microeconomics with a 4/5, they will get credit for ECON 1, but at UCLA, ECON 1 is not a GE. So unless you’re an Economics major, then ECON 1 doesn’t do anything for you in terms of progress towards the degree.

One other note - every student must take Writing I, which is covered by a course called ENGCOMP 3, which is satisfied by a 4/5 on either English AP exam. But UCLA does not consider Writing I (or Writing II) as GEs, as they are their own separate category.

There is also this requirement called American History & Institutions (AHI), which is not a GE but it is a requirement for every UC student at all of the campuses. You can satisfy this with a 3 or better on the US History or US Govt AP exam. But you can also satisfy this if you went to high school in the United States and averaged a “B” or better over two semesters of US History or US Government, even if it was not honors or AP.

@gzza73 Here is the page for engineering and APs


Note that this is engineering only. L&S is clear that APs do not count toward GEs.

EDIT-others indicate that Engineering also does not accept AP for GEs though their page is not as clear as L&S page.

@ThisIsFun54321 APs do not count for Engineering GEs either. No AP exams count for GEs at UCLA. Please refer to @alicantekid ‘s post.

@10s4life so APs only count for requirements met?

Thank you @ThisIsFun54321 @alicantekid @10s4life

@gzza73 The only APs useful for an engineer are the following:

Calc BC (5) - Math 31A & 31B
Calc BC (4) or AB (5) - Math 31A
Chem (4/5) - Chem 20A
Physics C-Mechanics (4/5) - Physics 1A
English Lang or Lit (4/5) - Eng Comp 3

If you get a 5 on the BC, you must skip 31A but it’s your choice to start at 31B or skip it.

You must skip Eng Comp 3 with AP credit.

All the others I listed are up to the student whether or not they want to use the credit.

From personal experience and it’s most common amongst students:
For any engineering major major besides EE don’t skip out of Chem 20A with AP credit.

For any engineering Major do not skip Physics 1A. Our physics series sneaks in math such as multi variable Calc, linear algebra, some even use diff eq. AP Physics C will not prep you for the second physics course when almost all students took the first one on campus.

Don’t worry you’ll be able to graduate on time. I used 0 AP classes and I’ll be out in 4 years and with careful class planning I am only taking 3 classes a quarter my last two years.

Thank you, @alicantekid ! Everyone on these forums has been tremendously helpful! Here is the list of classes my son took at Southwestern College (Chula Vista, CA):

GEOG 100
MUS 107
PHIL 101
SOC 101
COMM 176
PSYC 101

He is currently taking Calculus in high school, but it sounds like he should take a Calc I class at the JC to fulfill Math 31A.

@jrncyn If I recall but @alicantekid may have to correct me, a newly admitted freshman cannot take a CC course between graduating high school and starting at UCLA. The only summer opportunities are from UCLA itself. They can take CC courses per summer after first year but only until they hit 100 units total.

@jrncyn @10s4life Students can take CC courses the summer between high school and freshman year. But you should check with UCLA first to make sure whatever you take is going to count for something.


GEOG 100 = Physical Science GE (the one engineers don’t need)
MUS 107 = Not equivalent to any specific class/requirement (but keep the syllabus and have the engineering school evaluate it for GE credit)
PHIL 101 = Philosophical & Linguistic Analysis GE
SOC 101 = Social Analysis GE
COMM 176 = not equivalent to any specific class/requirement
PSYC 101 = PSYCH 10 (but not a GE)

So you’d get 2 GEs for sure out of that, and maybe 3 if MUS 107 is accepted.

Course(s) I’d recommend this summer

Math 250 = UCLA’s Math 31A
Math 251 = UCLA’s Math 31B
Chem 200 = UCLA’s Chem 20A & 20L (these courses aren’t necessary for any major with the word “Computer” in it)
Engl 115 = UCLA ENGCOMP 3 (Writing I)

Not saying you need to do all of them, but those are ones I’d choose from.