UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@reinawrites For premed you can major in anything. There’s competitive and non competitive people. I don’t know many premeds and the ones I do know, they don’t have undo able workloads. At UCLA pretty much all career paths are easy to get internships for

@10s4life thanks so much! That’s really good to hear :slight_smile:

Sorry one more question: in terms of class size, I know there are a lot of giant lecture classes … but do upper division classes get much smaller? Would you say there are ways to take a fair amount of smaller classes?

@reinawrites Upper div classes are very small it’s just the giant lower div classes that have a lot of majors in them that are large.

Is it difficult to get a parking permit if you live in the residential halls ?

@4college2K19 Yeah it’s pretty much impossible as a freshman. Its easier to bird to Westwood or uber if you’re going farther

@10s4life thx a ton!! :slight_smile: appreciate all your help. Hope you’re still enjoying spring break even with all of our questions!

For DESMA, can someone list the typical classes in first 3 quarters.
How hectic is the load?

Question about Bruin Day… my D got into TFT for Acting. So we’ll be going to the TFT Day prior to Bruin Day. Are the activities of the specialty school days - like TFT day - a repeat of Bruin Day?

@SoCalPops no they’re unique

Thanks @10s4life

@10s4life since we probably won’t be able to drive around, how do you suggest us getting around westwood? like from ucla to the mall etc


@10s4life after you finish the housing app how many roommates can you request? since we are all in triples can we request both roommates or just 1?

Both or 1 or none

you dont have to go but then someone else might not get off the waitlist

@10s4life OK ONE MORE QUESTION when do you choose your meal plan?

If you are not going to UCLA remove your name and give others on the waitlist a chance. Be cool

@Craig14w It’s polite but even if they don’t say they aren’t going UCLA will know by May 1st. Most of any waitlist admits are notified after May 1st anyways once UCLA knows it’s final yield rate since that is going up every year.
@srbirk23 Not sure what post you’re referring too.
@collegeappsznnn When you fill out the housing app after signing the SIR

D has Regents at U Berkeley, Honors at UCSB and UCSD. Waitlisted at UCLA. UCLA is her school of first choice.

What’s her major? Have she been to all the schools? Daughter is at UCLA now, but got into Berk and UCSB. She liked UCSB much better.