***UCLA Class of 2024 Decision Thread (Stats Only)***

also SAT Subject Tests:

Math II 760, Physics 740

@oswal9tang Essay score: 22

ACCEPTED - OOS white male
Major: Pre-Business Economics
GPA W: 4.76
ACT: 34
SAT II: Math II - 780 & US History - 770
AP exams: Physics 1 (4), European History (5), Biology (4), US History (5), Spanish Language (5), Calc BC (5)
EC: varsity football captain, student council, mentor program, volunteering, study abroad experience

ACCEPTED- OOS Asian Female
Major: Neuroscience
GPA: 4.0
ACT: 31
AP’s: Human Geo, Biology, Psychology, Chemistry, English Lang, Calc BC, English Lit, and Statistics
EC: President of HOSA, Junior Rotary, Girl Scouts, Soccer, Track, NHS, Link Crew
200+ hours of Hospital and Elementary Volunteering
Strong essays


Out of State

Major: Pre-Health Biology and Society

GPA: 3.963 UW // 4.110 W (my school’s highest weighted GPA is 4.2)

Class Rank 1/529

ACT: 33 // 9 on Writing

AP’s: 5– Human Geo, Psych, US History, Language and Composition

      4– Biology, World History

     3– Chemistry 

EC’s: HOSA, Speech and Debate President, State and National Qualifier, 3 Years of Tennis, WiSci International STEM Camp, HeritageINDIA 2019 Cohort Member, NHS Member, 70+ Volunteer Hours

Accepted: University of Minnesota Twin Cities, American University

Waiting: Northwestern, UC Berkeley, NYU, Vanderbilt

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Decision: Waitlisted
Merit scholarships awarded (if any):

Major (and division if applicable) applied to:
Pre-Public Affairs

Academic stats:
UC Unweighted GPA:3.92
UC Capped Weighted GPA:4.25
UC Fully Weighted GPA:4.45
ELC (top 9%):yes

Comments about course load (including senior year):
SAT (total and sections): did not take
ACT (total and sections):34C (36R/35E/35S/30M/11 writing)
SAT Subject Tests (if any): Lit 720
AP exams (scores in parentheses): 10th:AP World (5), APES (4) 11th: Psych (5), AP Lang (5), APUSH (4), AP Spanish (3) 12th: AP Lit, AP Stats, AP Govt, AP Micro
Senior year courses: DE Intro International Relations, AP Micro, AP Govt, AP Stats, AP Lit, Differential Calc, Service Learning (Internship)
IB exams (score in parentheses):n/a
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NHS, Spanish HS, Girls State finalist, AP Scholar with distinction


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:
Extracurriculars: YMCA Youth and Government (State leadership position 2 years), Internship CA Retailers Assoc, Finance Intern on a Congressional Campaign

Job/Work Experience: Customer Service/Front Desk 10 hrs/week Senior year
Volunteer/Community service: Library (200+ hours), Peer Council for local probation department (150 hours)
Activities: Hula dancer, Girl Scout

Personal insight essay topics: Wrote about Leadership position in Y&G, Experience on Peer Council, hospitalization/surgery for heart condition summer after Sophomore year,and creativity involved in playing/DMing D&D

Letters of recommendation submitted: N/a

State (if domestic applicant): CA (Northern)
Country (if international applicant):
High school type: Large Public


Applied for need-based financial aid?:No
Pell grant eligible?:No
Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)

Highest level of parent education: professional doctorate both
Living with both, one, or no parents?:Both
Relation to alumni of college:No


Strengths: well-rounded academically/ECs and specific passion/activities related to major
Weaknesses: GPA, did not take AP Calc/Physics. School does not have honors weighted courses
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: ???
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: UofA (honors), SDSU, UofUtah (Honors), Simmons University (Honors+ full ride Kotzen scholarship), Temple U (Honors + full tuition ), LMU, UC Berkeley (Regents’ candidate), UCI (Regents’ and CHC), UCD, UCSD, UCSB-Honors, Scripps, CMC
Awaiting: USC, Regents’ decision at Cal

Decision: Admitted

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: College of Letters and Science, Asian Languages and Linguistics

Academic stats:

Calculate your GPAs with https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.86
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.05
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.52

Comments about course load (including senior year): 11 APs until Junior Year; Capstone Courses in Senior year
SAT (total and sections): 1520 (800 M)
Did not report subject tests.
AP exams (scores in parentheses): Calc AB (5), Calc BC (5), Chinese (4), English Lang (4), Studio Art 2D Design (5), Physics 2 (4), APUSH (5), European Hist (5), Biology (4)


Extracurriculars: Chinese Culture Club VP, Varsity Debate, Biology Club VP, Classical Guitar
Volunteer/Community service: Painted murals in nursing homes, Hospital volunteer
Summer Activities: Scholarship Immersion Program studying Mandarin in Taiwan (after Junior year)
Awards: Presented at Taiwanese Consulate banquet, Won local Chinese Speech competitions, included debate awards as well

Essays (topics, details):

Essay 1 (Leadership Experience): Wrote about how I helped an English teacher teach English to Taiwanese students at a language summer camp by making the class more interactive. The final message was about motivating others reflecting the qualities of a leader.

Essay 2 (Creative Side): Wrote about my life-long love for art and how I used it to assist Alzheimer’s and dementia patients through murals.

Essay 3 (Skill/Talent): Wrote about cooking with my mother at a young age and how I have discovered that it is its own art form over the years.

Essay 4 (Educational Opportunity/Barrier): Wrote about my summer experience in Taiwan and overcoming certain obstacles in learning and conversing in Chinese.


State (if domestic applicant): OOS
High school type: STEM-based Independent School

Gender: Male
Race: Asian

Applied for financial aid?:
Highest level of parent education: Post-graduate
Living with both, one, or no parents?: Both


Strengths: My essays were creatively written while still answering the prompts fairly directly. I had a pretty unique major preference. Solid stats and rigorous coursework.
Weaknesses: I probably only had a few standout activities and luckily they supported the major I was applying for.
Why you think you were accepted: I still feel really good about my essays and my stats. I know it’s always a competitive applicant pool, though, and I still can’t believe I got in.
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: Georgetown, VTech, Boston College, Boston University, UCSD, UPitt
Waitlisted: WashU, UVA
Rejected: Vanderbilt (ED2)

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Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): Regents Candidate

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Mechanical Engineering

Academic stats:

Calculate your GPAs with https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.53
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.77
Eligibility in Local Context?: Yes

Rank, percentile rank, or percentile range (if available): 3/ ~165
Comments about course load (including senior year): 6 APs out of 7 classes total senior year, Cannot take AP classes until junior year at my school, Loaded up with honors & accelerated classes where APs weren’t available.
SAT (total and sections): N/A
ACT (total and sections): 36 (35 Math, 36 Reading, 36 Grammar, 36 Science)
SAT Subject Tests (if any): 800 - Math II, 700 - Physics
AP exams (scores in parentheses): APUSH(5), Lang(4), Lit(Planned), Physics C(Planned), Calculus AB(Planned), Spanish Lang(Planned), Macroeconomics(Planned), Biology(Planned)
IB exams (score in parentheses): N/A
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Eagle Scout


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:
Extracurriculars: Mock Trial Club Captain, Model UN delegate, , 3 years Student Government, 3 years Varsity Track & Field, 6 years playing Tenor Sax
Job/Work Experience: Courtesy Clerk @ Local Supermarket
Volunteer/Community service: 200+ hours tutoring underprivileged and special needs students
Summer Activities: N/A

Essays (topics, details):

  • Discovering a love for engineering at a young age & fostering that love as I grew up
  • Experiences tutoring special ed children in low-income areas, specifically in math/science
  • Overcoming PTSD from the Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting
  • Learning to adapt after half of my school’s campus burned down in a wildfire


State (if domestic applicant): In-State
High school type: Small, religious, competitive private school

Gender: Male

Applied for financial aid?: No
Highest level of parent education: Bachelor’s Degree
Living with both, one, or no parents?: Both


Strengths: Essays + Stats
Weaknesses: ECs related specifically to my major (Like robotics), Nationally-recognized ECs
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Essays + Stats (Especially in comparison to other engineering majors from my school)
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: Cal Poly SLO, UCSB (Regents), UCD (Regents), UCSD (Regents), still waiting on Berkeley
Waitlisted: N/A
Rejected: N/A

Decision: Accepted

Major: Pre-Political Science
In state (LA)

Sent the extra supplement essays
Sent the Alumni Scholarship Application as well

UC GPA: 3.7
9 APs total- World History, US History, Bio, Hum Geo, Enviro, Comp Sci Principals, Eng Lang, Eng Lit, Gov’t and Politics (US)
SAT: 1270

A LOT of extracurriculars and leadership roles

  • summer program at Georgetown- took international relations class and brought that back into wanting to study politics in my essays

4.6 GPA 1st semester of Senior Yr with 4 APs despite EXTREME circumstances (my mother passed away in Oct) that I explained in the extra supplement essays they asked for in January. I think this was when they realized I’m not stupid!

In my essays I pretty much talked about my experiences as an African immigrant and the responsibilities I’ve had as a child bc my parents couldn’t speak English- that was an entire essay when they asked about leadership. I talked about my club leadership and internships in other essays casually. Not in a, look at me I did so much, but in a this experience inspired me to blah blah blah.

I also talked about how speaking multiple tribal languages and such prepared me for American life. I was 1 of 3 black people out of 400 that took AP Bio and I gave them more of my stats from my other APs. Despite being the only black person in legit all of my classes, I wasn’t afraid to challenge myself because of my diverse background blah blah blah
Also talked about where my ambition comes from- immigrant parents that left everything to give me an opportunity they never had. (Neither finished high school)

Also explained why my GPA is so low. My passion for learning pushed me to take all of these difficult classes (only took like 4 regular classes- the rest were honors and AP). But I couldn’t get the best grades because I was waking up at 5 every morning bc my school is far from where I live and most days I’d get home at around 7 with extracurriculars and shows (theater). But with the opportunity I was given, attending such an amazing HS, I took advantage of the resources I was provided and that was my main goal.

At one point I dedicated an essay to growing up one of the poorest countries in the world and how that has shaped my view on life and politics in particular. My eagerness to help the most vulnerable in the US stems from being immersed in poverty in my foundational years

Chose the academic subject essay and talked abt taking many Social science APs and how that solidified my passion for politics

I know my stats definitely aren’t that of the typical UCLA student but I think when you explain why your stats are the way they are- my SAT score, for example, with my mothers death and going back to Ethiopia for her funeral, I missed the exam date and was unable to prepare- I think that makes a huge difference. If my circumstances were different, I think they realized I would have received the same high scores as other applicants.

Its not the end of the world if you just have bad luck, just explain it in your essay and that makes a huge difference.


Decision: Accepted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): none

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Neuroscience

Unweighted GPA (school-calculated): 3.9
Weighted GPA (school-calculated: 4.54

Rank, percentile rank, or percentile range (if available): N/A
Comments about course load (including senior year): AP’s and honors every year, taking Multivariable Calc at comm college now
SAT (total and sections): N/A
ACT (total and sections): 35 in each section, 9 Writing
SAT Subject Tests (if any): Bio-800, Chem-780, Math II-800
AP exams (scores in parentheses): AP Chinese (5), AP Psychology (4), AP Physics 1 (4), AP Biology (5), AP Chemistry (5), AP Lang (5), APUSH (4), AP Calc AB (5)
IB exams (score in parentheses): N/A
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): 2X USABO semifinalist (national), 2X BBO Gold Medalist, Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Honorable Mention (local), National AP Scholar
Job/Work Experience: bio research at Caltech for 2 years
Volunteer/Community service: Girl Scout Gold Award, Presidential Volunteer Service Award, Red Cross
Summer Activities: UCLA SCIP

Demographics: Asian
State (if domestic applicant): CA
High school type: Public
Gender: Female

Applied for financial aid?: No
Highest level of parent education: Physician

Strengths: bio olympiad, UCLA SCIP
Weaknesses: GPA (I had one B in math in my sophomore year, and three B’s in my junior year), no sports
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: The UCLA Summer College Immersion Program definitely helped, since I earned A’s in both of my courses (one of which is Intro to Neuroscience).

Accepted: UCSD, UCSB, Boston U
Waitlisted: UCI, Wellesley, Johns Hopkins
Rejected: Pomona, Georgetown

Comments: Definitely a pleasant surprise, because I had 4 B’s between 10-11th grade in pretty major classes like math and chemistry (although my freshman year grades were perfect). I guess my strong performance/passion in bio, whether it’d be research or olympiads, made up for the grade flaws.

Decision: Admitted

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Computer Science

SAT: 1550 (800M, 750E)
SAT II: 800 Math, 780 Physics
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.7
Rank: School doesn’t rank, but I’m at least top 2%.
AP: 15 APs including senior year, 10 5s
Major Awards: Science Fair regional winner, Presidential Gold Award for Service, National AP Scholar, Rensselaer Medal, National Merit Semifinalist, handful of debate and robotics awards


  • VEX Robotics (President)
  • FRC Robotics (Programming Director)
  • Math Team (President)
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Chair)
  • Independent Science Research
  • Dead Poets Society (Founder)
  • ASB (Homeroom Rep)
  • Choir
  • NHS

Job/Work Experience:

  • Math and reading teacher for elementary schoolers
    Volunteer/Community service:
  • 250+ hours tutoring and counseling kids
    Summer Activities:
  • UC Cosmos
  • Took AP Stats and AP PhysC’s at a community college


  • Steps of CAD (robotics) and how they correlate to steps in my life
  • Speaking out and advocacy
  • Calc AB/BC teacher (8/10)
  • English teacher (9/10)

Applied for Financial Aid? No
State: CA
School Type: Catholic, all-girls
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Hooks: n/a

Strengths: Leadership in extracurriculars
Weaknesses: Overall blandness, no major awards
Why you think you were accepted: I have no idea. Maybe my personality really shined in my essays, because I thought I seemed like the typical Asian CS nerd.
Where else were you accepted: UCB (attending), MIT, UIUC, Purdue

Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): none

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Computer Science & Engineering (Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science)

Academic stats:

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.36
Eligibility in Local Context?: yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): pretty rigorous
SAT (total and sections): 1570 (800 Math, 770 EBRW)
SAT Subject Tests (if any): 800 Physics, 800 Math 2
AP exams (scores in parentheses): Calc BC (5), Calc AB subscore (5), Computer Science Principles (5), European History (5), Chinese (5), Physics 1 (4)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Finalist, AP Scholar with Distinction


-President of Computer Science Club
-Founder/editor-in-chief of community art and literary magazine
-Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper
-Executive Director of hackathon
-Math Club grade representative
-Freshman welcoming committee
-Algebra 1 teacher’s assistant

Volunteer/Community service:
-Local library volunteer
-Student Coach at local elementary school math olympiad


State (if domestic applicant): California
High school type: public

Gender: female

Applied for financial aid?: I filled out FAFSA but knew I wouldn’t qualify?
Highest level of parent education: master’s
Living with both, one, or no parents?: both

Waitlisted: Cal Poly SLO, UC Davis
Rejected: none yet

Decision: Admitted!

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Chemistry

SAT: 1530 (800M, 730E)
SAT II: Didn’t Submit
Unweighted GPA: 3.76
Weighted GPA: 4.31
Rank: School doesn’t rank
AP: 11 AP’s
Major Awards: Science Olympiad (regional and state wins), Technology Student Association(regional and state wins), TSA Presidential Award, High School Diplomat


  • Technology Student Association (Historian of Northern Virginia + President of High
  • Student Council (Chair)
  • Science Olympiad (Engineering Captain)
  • CavHack (school hackathon) - Director of Sponsorships
  • Journalism - Director of Student Recruitment

Job/Work Experience:

  • Ben and Jerry’s (Since freshman year)


  • Research at George Mason University; published research in microbiology
    -Research at Georgetown University in molecular biology
  • Participated in High School Diplomats


  • My college major and how I chose Chemistry; linked cancer and research
  • Experience in cultural exchange; issues I had with my roommates.
  • Journey as a person throughout high school; evolution into the person I am today
  • Unique quirks and being accepting of them; vocalizing everything

Applied for Financial Aid? Yes
State: VA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Hooks: Lots of Cancer in my family lol.

Strengths: Really good leadership + good summer stuff (research)
Weaknesses: GPA,
Why you think you were accepted: I tried to hit a bunch of different things in my essays as I did not want to be reduced to the Asian studying STEM.
Where else were you accepted: UVA, William & Mary + waiting on 10 more!


Political Science

High school type: Public


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.9
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.06
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.26

Comments about course load (including senior year): 10 APs total (7 of which are senior year) with 2 honors courses
SAT (total and sections): 1510, math 790, reading 720
SAT Subject Tests (if any): Math II (760) United States Government (710)
AP exams (scores in parentheses): Physics 1 (4), English Lang (4), United States History (5)

Extracurriculars: Volleyball (Club and school), Math Team, Mock Trial (Founder and President), Model UN (High ranking awards and Vice President), Speech Team (Numerous tournament wins and event leader), Peaceable Schools Initiative, School Orchestra, Musical Pit, Girls in Engineering Mathematics and Science,
Job/Work Experience: Hostess for 10/15 hours a week
Volunteer/Community service: Yearly help to organize and run an Irish Dance Competition
Summer Activities: Babysitting, tutoring, working

ACCEPTED - In State white female
Major: Pre-Business Economics
GPA W: 4.6
SAT: 1570 
 800 math
AP exams: Physics 1 (4), Calc AB (5), English (4), Spanish Language (5)
EC: editor in chief of school newspaper, JV sports, volunteering, summer journalism institute


Merit scholarships awarded (if any): Invited to apply for alumni scholarship

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Psychology

Academic stats:

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.8
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.12
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.44
Eligibility in Local Context?: N/A

Rank, percentile rank, or percentile range (if available): 41/414 (top 10%)
Comments about course load (including senior year): 8 APs, rest honors
SAT (total and sections): 1290
ACT (total and sections): 27
SAT Subject Tests (if any): 610 bio
AP exams (scores in parentheses): 3 AP Seminar, 3 AP Lang, 3 AP Biology
IB exams (score in parentheses): N/A
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Okinawa Peace scholarship recipient, 1st place in Japanese speech contest, Smith College Book Award, art work displayed in city fair and art walk, and AP Capstone diploma candidate


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:
Extracurriculars: VP Future Medical Professionals of America (FMPA) Club, VP Red Cross Club, member in all honor societies, essay tutor, equity leader
Job/Work Experience: N/A
Volunteer/Community service: Weekly volunteer at local SPCA, hospital, and Red Cross
Summer Activities: Summer Exchange program to Japan through YFU

Essays (topics, details): Talked about my experience with bullying and moving across the country, how my grandparents met in WWII where my grandfather was a marine and met my grandmother in Japan and how that connected to my identity and study abroad, battle with scoliosis and heart palpitations, and my passion for learning various languages and cultures


State (if domestic applicant): Virginia
Country (if international applicant): US
High school type: Medium sized public

Gender: Female

Applied for financial aid?: Yes
Highest level of parent education: Bachelors and associates
Living with both, one, or no parents?: Both
Income bracket: 100,000


Strengths: Essays
Weaknesses: Stats (especially standardized tests and had to take lower levels courses to catch up when I moved states)
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: My stats were nowhere near the typical accepted applicant, but my essays may be keeping me from being rejected
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: UCI, UCSB, UCSC, UCD, UCSD, UW (scholarship), VCU (scholarship)
Waitlisted: UVA, UCLA, Reed
Rejected: UChicago, Georgetown

[ab]General Comments: Congratulations to everyone who was accepted, and good luck to everyone in their future endeavors!


Major: Undeclared Social Sciences

Academic stats:

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.98
UC Weighted GPA: 4.65

Course load: Full IB Diploma (completed Algebra 2 a year earlier) and 2 AP’s
SAT: 1250

Extracurriculars/Job Experience/Volunteering Experience:

  • Family member caretaker
  • 3 years assisting the Lynwood Youth Advocacy Group
  • 3 years as mentor for a community education program
  • 1 year as organizer of an independent book drive
  • Co-founder of 2 clubs: a community club and an in-school club
  • 2 years as mentor/tutor/assistant for Think Together
  • Intern for school district
  • Member of multiple community groups
  • Translator for district board meetings
  • Treasurer for NHS
  • Accumulated 1000+ community service hours

Summer Activities:

  • After 9th Grade: Completed Algebra 2
  • After 10th Grade: Worked in a small shop
  • After 11th Grade: Attended the USC Bovard Scholars Program and the Cal-SOAP program

Personal Insight essays (details):

  1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
  • For this PIQ, I wrote about the leadership role I have in my family and how it connects to the leadership role I have in my community.
  1. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
  2. For this PIQ, I wrote about my experience as a self-taught dancer. I explained my mindset as I choreograph a dance and execute it.
  3. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
  4. I wrote about my experience at the USC Bovard Scholars program and how it impacted my entire academic mindset.
  5. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
  6. I wrote about my collaboration with GirlsBuildLA to begin Girls Who Code in my community.


State: CA
High school type: Public

Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic

Applied for need-based financial aid


Strengths: Personal Insight Questions and Extracurricular Activities

Weaknesses: Test Scores

Where else were you accepted/wait-listed/rejected by?: Accepted to - UCSD, UCI, USC, Occidental, Case Western Reserve University, Pitzer, CSULB, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF, CSUDH. Rejected by UChicago and wait-listed to Pomona College, Oberlin College, and Grinnell College (finish your supplemental essays y’all).

General Comments: Colleges will review your application holistically, so give yourselves a chance and apply. Don’t do the admissions officers’ job for them : )

Decision: Waitlisted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): N/A

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Pre-Data Theory

Academic stats:

Calculate your GPAs with https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.25
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.25
ELC (top 9%): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): Total of 7 APs but only submitted 2 AP scores. I also took band every year. My school didn’t offer honors classes, so you either had to go with the full rigor of an AP class or take the normal base level class.
SAT (total and sections): 1430 (690 English, 740 Math, 6/4/6 Essay)
ACT (total and sections): N/A
SAT Subject Tests (if any): Math Level 2 (690), Literature (660) (It was a pretty rough ride there)
AP exams (scores in parentheses): AP Lang (4), APUSH (3)
IB exams (score in parentheses): N/A
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none major, won a few minor ones within some of my extracurriculars


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles: 1st chair clarinet in band, junior instructor at my martial arts school. Won awards for outstanding performance in band and outstanding leadership in karate
Extracurriculars: Band (4 years), Karate (4 years), Robotics (2 years), Physics Club (1 year), Newspaper (1 year, I helped to restart the school’s newspaper in my senior year since it had gone without one for awhile)
Job/Work Experience: Snowman Hot Chocolate at San Jose’s Christmas in the Park Event
Volunteer/Community service: I volunteered regularly at my local library for a little bit and I did my school’s CSF club.
Summer Activities: N/A (although some of my ECs required over the summer commitments)

Personal insight essay topics:
Prompt 1: Leadership in karate and helping troublesome kids become more disciplined
Prompt 2: Creativity by folding origami and using my creations in life.
Prompt 3: Skills developed in clarinet playing/music and how I used this knowledge outside of band.
Prompt 8: Probably a somewhat abnormal topic, learning about the environment around me and how I tend to research random things that I notice when I’m just walking around in different places

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: N/A


State (if domestic applicant): CA (San Jose/Bay Area)
Country (if international applicant):
High school type: Public

Gender: Male
Race/ethnicity: Asian (Vietnamese and Chinese)

Applied for need-based financial aid?: Yes

Highest level of parent education: Bachelor’s
Living with both, one, or no parents?: Both
Relation to alumni of college: none


Strengths: Essays were true to me, GPA and SAT okay compared to other people at my school
Weaknesses: Subject tests, Not many ECs related to my major
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Stats to some extent, but essays more likely had a big role since I’m average/below average for UCLA
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: NAU, UH Manoa, Colorado School of Mines, SJSU, SDSU (honors), CPP, CPSLO, UCR, UCSC, UCD, UCI, SCU
Waitlisted: UCSD, UCSB, UCLA
Waiting on: Berkeley, USC, Cornell, UPenn

General Comments: Grateful not to be outright rejected. Also I say this on all my replies because I think it’s important to know: Many of the kids at my school have gotten some odd results, college admissions really are kind of crazy and unpredictable. Academics are important but make sure you put effort into ECs and essays so your character and personality can still shine through on your applications. Ultimately, college is what you make of it and you aren’t defined by where you go, so if things don’t seem to be going your way don’t let the admissions process discourage you!

Decision: Admitted

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: EnviroSci/Geo

Academic stats:

Rank, percentile rank, or percentile range (if available): 1/330

SAT (total and sections): 1480

ACT (total and sections): Did not Take

SAT Subject Tests (if any): Bio- 770

AP exams (scores in parentheses): Geography 5, Environmental Science 5

IB exams (score in parentheses): 43 (777HL, 766SL, AA TOK/EE)- November 2019 Session

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Bronze Medal- International Geography Olympiad

Varsity Tennis and Squash Captain, Marketing director of a business providing post-natal care packages for new mums (won start-up company of the year award). Research at the University of Auckland (2 research papers on Geography and Resource Management).

Job/Work Experience: Coach at local tennis club, Food and beverage steward at sporting events.

Volunteer/Community service: Volunteer for a sporting agency

Essays (topics, details): Journey through going to the gym, love for EDM, love for Geography, can’t remember last one :neutral:

Country (if international applicant): New Zealand!
High school type: Co-educational Private High school

Gender: Male


SAT: 1570, subj math2 800, chem 800, physics 800 all first try
GPA: 4.0uw/4.7w
12 APs: 5 senior yr; calc BC (5)/AB subset (5), physics C (5), cs A(5), stats (5), world hist (5), apush (4) + 2 college courses related to major
NMF; 4x AIME; 4-yr varsity sport; good ECs with leadership and duration; cosmos
in-state asian male
accepted: UIUC (james scholar); UW (p&g $33k award); UCLA; UCSD; UCD (regents); UCI (CHC+regents+deans); UCSB
rejections: none
awaiting UCB

i used CC for my older one so i thought i should contribute this time around. this acceptance is the hardest and most surprising. would’ve been ok with 2nd choice in COE. to those who think UCs protect yield, he proved them wrong with all acceptances. it’s important not only to have good stats but also have focused ECs with depth. essays are super important and don’t write fluff. focus on why you do what you do and how the experience affected you and others. stand out with authenticity and a story arc which makes reading more interesting. :wink: