UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Were applicants required to self-report ALL previous AP scores, or were they allowed to pick and choose which scores to report? And would it be an issue if the AP score report you send to UCLA contains scores that were omitted on the UC application?

No they will not take emails sent to them under consideration.

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They can pick and choose. AP scores are used for placement not admission.

do students definitely get an acceptance package if they get in or is it just a letter on their portal?


Any idea if anything is opened to the public for the self paced tour? I suspect not, but just in case. We’ve been to the school a few time, but it has been so long ago that we’re thinking of doing the tour to refresh memory.

I don’t think she meant to offend anyone. She just gave a matter-of-fact info. She’s been nothing but direct and extremely helpful for me.

If anything, your acceptance to UCLA is indicative of a high caliber applicant, and you should be so proud of your accomplishments.

Deciding between DMA (Design | Media Arts) at UCLA and Sam Fox at WashU. I’d welcome discussion (public or PM) from others in this position! S has been doing design / digital art intensively for past two years and considering ‘path’ as a digital designer and eventually creative director across illustration/video/product.

Its officially closed but go on campus and it looks anything but closed. Janns steps has been busy most days especially in the late afternoon.

How challenging is it to meet UCLA’s major/graduation requirements? For example, having necessary classes that are often full, etc. Is the 180 unit hard to reach?

Not hard at all. Also AP units count towards that graduation goal.

I agree - the campus is always filled with families (and dogs😜). I am pretty sure campus is open to walk around but buildings are closed off.

when you will get to know you are off from waitlist?

We were on campus today and considering it was spring break during a pandemic, there were a decent amount of people on campus. There were several new admits in their UCLA sweatshirts taking pictures with their families. Signs in front of Ackerman (student union) made it look like it was open (at least for food) but we went inside and everything was closed. This update shows what has opened recently so my guess is that food services in Ackerman were closed because of spring break.

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D21 deciding between UCLA and UCB – which one has a reputation for either grade inflation or grade deflation? She’ll be studying something to do with the environment, either policy or science. But no hard sciences like engineering or premed type classes. She wants to go where the grading is easier. Lol.

Was she accepted into College of Natural Resources or L&S at Berkeley?

L&S at UCB

S18 chose UCLA over UCB. I wouldn’t say there’s grade inflation at UCLA but he’s been able to maintain a 4.0 so far (through junior year), as have a couple of his friends. More importantly, everyone seems so much happier at UCLA than Cal.


Wow 4.0 and a junior! That is impressive!


does anyone know when alumni scholarship decisions come out?