UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Hello potential Bruins!

It’s about that time of year again as the UC application cycle is about to begin. I’m 10s4life, the current UCLA Forum Moderator. I’m a new alumnus of UCLA and used to work for admissions as an Engineering Ambassador. @Gumbymom is the overall UC Moderator and is a knowledgeable expert on the increasingly complicated UC admissions process.

We are in unprecedented times and this will be a unique application cycle given the test optional policy the university has moved towards.

Please feel free to discuss about anything UCLA related here. There are many knowledgeable posters that are here to help. Also helpful are the previous Class discussions, waitlist discussions, and admit stats threads that are all pinned to the top of the UCLA forum. You can reach the UCLA forum by clicking the University of California, Los Angeles link at the very top of this thread. Best of luck and go Bruins!


do you know if UCLA is looking at test scores

@SDSUHopefulClassof2025: UCLA is test optional this admission cycle and next admission cycle, meaning if you submit test scores they will consider them.

I think something that is up in the air, is how will candidates be considered who don’t submit test scores.

Will semester grades for the last semester be considered if they were letter grades and not Pass/No Pass. My grades did drop a little ( I got 1 B and 1 C) because it was hard getting used to distance learning, and just wanted to know if it will affect my chances of getting accepted in a negative way

@Juicyfruit2443 Grades from 10th-11th grad are considered for admission. Grades from senior year are considered after you are admitted for rescinding purposes

@Juicyfruit2443: Here is the information posted by the UC’s.

Unfortunately, if your school gave letter grades for Spring semester 2020, they will be considered in the UC GPA calculation but I am sure admissions is aware that changing to a fully on-line semester was a hardship for all students and this will be taken into account.

Keen to understand, if the students who submitted SAT scores will have an advantage over those who don’t submit - assuming GPAs are the same?
@Gumbymom @10s4life can you opine on this?

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This is from the UC website:

I am not an admissions officer so this is my opinion only, but I believe that grades/GPA/HS course rigor are a better predictor of college success than a 3-4 hour test. That said, the UC’s have been GPA focused vs. test focused for many years.

Submitting a competitive SAT/ACT score, I believe will help an applicant, submitting a less than competitive SAT/ACT score could slightly hurt and an applicant not submitting any score is probably neutral.

Since test optional is new for the UC’s, they do not have a long history in evaluating applications without test scores so this is the unknown factor.

The UC’s plan is not to abandon all testing, but to formulate their own testing system. This I believe will be difficult to accomplish but the UC’s still see the value in test scores when it comes to admissions. All I can say it should a very interesting admission process in the next few years.

@Gumbymom thanks for valuable perspective

The ACT is planning to offer its test remotely later this year. If this is the case, I believe that an “optional” status would mean that you probably should take the test. It’s optional for the classes entering 2021 and 2022. And this would seemingly apply especially to a major in Engineering, and some of the other STEM-type majors.

I would recommend submitting a test score if you can. I am an incoming freshman (class of 2024) and my SAT score got me out of a few of my ge requirements. Even though its not required it can help you if you have a strong score.

@embruin I have a ACT score that is okay so I am curious what score (ACT/SAT) you would consider submitting if you have and think it’ll be an advantage from the view of UCLA?


@embruin Im almost certain that the sat score does not get you out of GE requirements. In fact AP credits don’t get you out of GE requirements. AP credits can only get you out of pre major requirements. GEs are specific categories of classes you take that must be done at ucla, a cc, or another uc.

Hi, UCLA is among my top choices, though I acknowledge its a reach and the odds are likely against me. I’m applying to HSSEAS for Electrical Engineering. For the alternate major tab, I’m wondering what engineering major to put under there, or if it even matters at all.

Hi, I’m new to this site and don’t know how to PM, but what do you mean by AP scores not counting for GE requirements? Are these the same as or different than the IGETC requirements and major transfer requirements for transfer students?

@IntoTheDeepness If you search UCLA AP credits, there should be a link that provides description on scores and what class credit those scores will earn you at UCLA. Some AP scores will get you general elective credit but not credit toward the actual subject. They vary from UC to UC and even within UC (eg UCSD), so I can’t recall 100% the matrix.

First born kid applying to UCs. Would love insights here. I posted to Class of 2021, but not sure if it’s too general. If UCs review grades through junior year for admission, is there anything preventing kids from applying before 11/30 (as in applying now)? Any downside? I don’t think his extracurriculars will change, nor his essays, and his ACT score (36) won’t even matter. My S21 has a few colleges to apply to so I was thinking get them done one by one when they’re ready would help him unclutter the list of colleges to apply to on his list. Thx!

@mommalue you can only submit during the filing period November 1 - November 30. Your son should fill it out now to have some peace of mind, but you can only submit during that period of time.

@MommaLue: As of now, all the UC’s are test blind unless something changes again.