UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

I would let her pick UCLA in a heartbeat and never look back!

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We will be visiting the campus next week on our own. Does anyone have any recommendations on the best way to tour the campus?

@TennisFoodie2021 My friend is a reviewer and she only sees the essays that the students submit for the alumni scholarship. Not the app essays.

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@10s4life My S21 was waitlisted in both UCLA and UCB for history major. Can you pls predict his chances of getting into either one of them? I understand students who got into both will have to eventually pick one of the two…Will that increase his chances as he is waitlisted in two? Thanks for your time always!

The campus is stunning. Be sure to walk all around Westwood. It’s almost like a little college town. Having a safe, walkable village near campus is priceless. So many campuses don’t have one. Try an In N Out burger if you’ve never had one.


Thanks. I grew up in L.A. so gotta have In N Out. Any places to have lunch/dinner around campus you recommend?

No one predict the chances since the # of waitlisted students is not known, the # of students that plan to enroll are unknown and the # of spots that will be available is unknown.

Being waitlisted at multiple campuses will also not increase your chances.

Please read this to understand the waitlist process even though it is not specific for the UC campuses, it gives you some great information.

When I reviewed I only saw the alumni app.

I would download a campus map and see everything! Royce hall and the sculpture gardens are popular spots. Also go see the hill which is where the dorms are. For food Broxton brewery has some of the better food in Westwood and great beer. Barney’s beanery is popular for bar food and ami is another hit spot.

@TennisFoodie2021 @toothmolar

No because both schools have historical yield they can follow so they account for the UCB UCLA crossover. Can’t really say what the end results will be

awesome…thank you

My daughter tells me that alumni scholarship results are out.

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Did they e-mailed about it?

Email: alert of financial status update
Checked the portal and under financial tab, alumni scholarship award amount was added.

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Sweet! Sounds like your daughter got something, congrats!

Just checked and it looks like no change to our status. Oh well :frowning:

Yeah right. No mail for me, and my portal also not changed.

There’s a pdf map and do it yourself tour on the website.

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For future reference, DS got the email invite to apply for UCLA alumni scholardship and later got waitlisted at UCLA. He got accepted to Cal Berkeley though, still waiting to hear from a few more private schools.

@SeaBreeze2021 We are in the same boat. Got the email invite (twice), WL’d at UCLA, admitted into Cal.

Should choose UCLA or cmc (Claremont Mckanna) for premed?

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