UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Is this normal to be on the waitlist till now?

UCLA closed their Waitlist last year on July 30th so it is still early in comparison.


Called Admissions. The person I spoke with stated they will likely not close the waitlist until end of July and it may extend a few weeks into August.


When they closed the waitlist was it to send out all rejections? Or did people still get in at that point?


Once a waitlist is closed, no more admits so applicants will be sent rejections.


@Gumbymom - Do you know if anyone was actually accepted from the waitlist in the month of July last year?


I did not see any posts for waitlist admits in July of last year but I also did not check all the social media discussions. On CC, the last UCLA admits from the waitlist last year was around June 23.


Literally losing hope now.


I wonder how many California women are now going to college in states with abortion bans. I know several incoming freshmen who in previous years would have likely been going to UC, but this year they ended up at UT-Austin, UW-Madison, Tulane, Purdue, and colleges in red states.


Per Matthew Lin, it is supposed to be today. End of the month.

Just called them again (didnā€™t mention anything about them saying it would be today), they said by tomorrow now. I bet they really are trying to close it but just couldnā€™t today.

so no one is going to get in from the waitlist?

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tbh Iā€™m not planning on it at this point

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yeah same I would not be surprised at all if there is no one in-state getting off for L&S this year


Thanks Matt. Anytime now. I am anxiously waiting to end it today.

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As expected, AO donā€™t honor their words. Have a good weekend.

Hey, I was wondering if you have any idea when is the latest someone could get admitted off of the waitlist for ucla this late in the summer. Like most people might assume that the later in time it gets with waitlists, the less likely it becomes to get admitted, Iā€™m really curious to know if the longer youā€™re left in the air about your status, if acceptance becomes less likely. I have been waitlisted since March 18 and I havenā€™t received any news over my status from ucla yet. I applied for neuroscience (college of Letters and Science) and Iā€™m just looking for any information online at this point to investigate more if I might still have a chance at getting in since this is my dream school as well. I contacted them back in may and received an email saying they try their best to have waitlist decisions for freshman by the end of may/ and transfers by the end of June but cannot entirely guarantee those deadlines either.

Latest is August. I think unless you are new to the thread, you should know by now that most people here have been waitlisted since mid March and havenā€™t received any news also. And the answer to your other question is nobody here knows. We all can speculate. Your guess is as good as ours. The admission office staff could tell us some phony date over the phone and get us excited for nothing. The decision will be available when it is available. Personally I feel they will release the waitlist before August but could be before September.


have people gotten off the waitlist in july and august before?

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Anything is possible until they close the waitlist. I am sure historically if the waitlist remains open until July and August, there is potential for some rare admits.