UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

I can understand this. UCLA was once at the top of my dd’s list, we are oos. However, with it becoming test blind and its complicated recalculation of gpa, the decision making process seemed arbitrary. Add in the legislative efforts to limit oos admissions. In the end, it just didn’t seem worth writing an additional three essays and filling out the UC application forms. However, there are so many qualified instate applicants that I would think that this result is to some degree what the system wants.


Reduced OOS apps wont benefit IS students. Usually these UCs have an OOS target they try to hit so it will only benefit the OOS applicants.

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I have to see it to believe it. 900 more seats for what major ? Gender studies ? Not to the capped majors such as CS.


One of my DS received an invitation to a Prospective Scholar Day for the Alumni Scholars Club, but the other one just got a reminder to apply.


That is interesting. Does one have higher stats than the other?


I would say they’re about the same, but different majors - one chem engineering, the other MT.

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Did the one who received the email start their Alumni Scholar Application?

My son got the email but as an OOS student it doesn’t appear he would qualify for any of the scholarships listed.

The one who got the invite to the Prospective Scholar Day started the application, the other one who didn’t just got an email reminder to apply.

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I’d guess that was why he got the e-mail, but I’m just guessing. My daughter got the email too and she started her app.

Both got emails, just one got the invite to the prospective scholar day. I agree, that the one who got the invite to the prospective scholar day email was because they started the application since it says plainly, “We recognize that you have been working on your UCLA Scholarships application and are so excited that you are considering becoming a part of our family.”

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What is the award amount of Alumni Scholar? Are there other benefits for the recipient? Son received the invitation a long time ago but is not motivated to apply, especially if not admitted by UCLA, the application would be useless.

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Scholarship award amounts range from $6,000 to $20,000 , paid over four years.


The vast majority of awards are $1500 per year. Not much, but still helpful against instate tuition if you don’t qualify for need-based aid.

Benefits are much less than for Regents scholars: no early class registration or housing/parking privileges. There’s an Alumni Scholars Club which at least gives you something to be part of in freshman/sophomore year, but don’t confuse it with SAA (Student Alumni Association) which is extremely competitive to get into and organizes many of the most well known campus events (Spring Sing, Dinner for 12 Strangers).

S18 was an Alumni Scholar, he found the required community service hours a bit of a pain to fulfill during Covid and didn’t bother with ASC. He did get into SAA eventually (junior/senior years) and that was a great social experience. He won other campus merit while at UCLA (Undergraduate Research Scholar which was $6000 in senior year, UC in DC travel award of $2500) for comparable amounts, and those were more directly useful and less competitive (or at least less random, since those were based on more obvious criteria like GPA and professor recommendations).


My daughter recieved one letter from UCLA and UCSD asking to submit additional essays to state her interest and explain why Ucla or Ucsd. I wonder if the two schools communicate?


A single letter (or email?) that says it is from both UCLA and UCSD? That would sound a bit fishy to me, since they have separate admissions. What exactly does the letter say?

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This does not sound correct since the UC’s do not consider an applicants level of interest unless she is applying to a specialized program such as Theatre/Film, Art/Design, Music or Dance.

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How competitive is the Pre-Public Affairs Major?

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Do you mean how competitive is it to complete the pre-requisites and declare the major? Or how competitive is it to be admitted to UCLA as a pre-Pub Aff major?

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How competitive is it for first-time freshman applicants?