UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

Does anyone know the details of applying for off-campus apartments, such as Gayley Court or Westwood Chateau? When I applied for housing, I don’t recall the application giving me a choice between on-campus housing versus off-campus housing. Thanks!

No, not yet

Edited — I see now that you are asking about university apartments. Those are generally still considered “campus housing.” I’m not sure how likely it is that you would be offered that as a first-year. In any case, google some particular apartment names if you want to learn more. Here’s one about Westwood Chateau: https://dailybruin.com/2022/12/19/straight-up-dangerous-students-in-westwood-chateau-allege-unsafe-conditions

If you are not planning to live on campus (either on the hill in a dorm or in one of the university-owned apartments), you can and should be looking for off campus housing now or very soon. Our current sophomore signed a lease back in February for a rental that starts in September. I’m not sure UCLA will directly give you much info about off campus housing, but the Parents’ Facebook group has some info and UCLA Reddit is a good resource.

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Has anyone heard about the Alumni Scholarship?

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I think the Alumni Scholarship readers just started looking at applications the day after results were released. What I have heard is that those scholarships and others start getting released mid-April, usually in enough time to be considered before the SIR deadline, but others won’t be notified until summer. My daughter has already SIR’d so we’re just waiting to see if any money is forthcoming haha


Happen to look at the PAL yesterday and my daughter was awarded the Freshman Alumni Scholarship, but we didn’t receive an email. I also just saw posted on a Parents of 2027 UCLA FB group that one girl got the Regents invitation the day after her acceptance.


What is PAL?

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Wait, can someone confirm this? I thought it was referring to per semester. So if I get a C in a class first semester, and a C in the same class second semester, it doesn’t count as 2 Cs, only 1? @Gumbymom

What are the chances of getting admitted from the waitlist for international applicants?

My understanding that 2 C’s is based on your HS grading system. So if on semester system, 2 C’s for the year or 1 each semester. You will not be rescinded for 2 C’s, they just want an explanation.

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Waitlist data does not break out admits by residency so if there are open spots for International students, then they will be admitted. Just remember, there is a UC mandate that the UC’s are capped at 18% for OOS and International enrolled students.

I’ve gotten accepted to UCLA’s Environmental Science program. I know that this is not a very impacted major. Are the lecture hall still big? How competitive are the research and intern ship opportunities? Does anyone have experience with this major before? Thank you!

Yes, i got a sticker, pamphlet, and 2 printed letters of acceptance. kinda underwhelming but it’s alright

Would having 3 C’s in 3 different classes first semester be any worse? Or as long as I have an explanation and try to work with them, they won’t rescind?

Provisional Award Letter- your financial aid award letter

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If you have 2 or more C’s regardless when you received them, as part of provisional admission you need to report them. UC’s historically have only rescinded for D’s or F’s but that is UCLA’s call. If you do not report as instructed, it could be an issue later when they see your final transcript.

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My D was accepted for the same major and we are wondering the same…


You can take a look at the class sizes at UCLA here: https://sa.ucla.edu/ro/public/soc/Results?SubjectAreaName=Environment+(ENVIRON)&t=23S&sBy=subject&subj=ENVIRON&catlg=&cls_no=&undefined=Go&btnIsInIndex=btn_inIndex

In general, GE and common major lower division required courses will have larger classes. Ie. Biology, Chemistry etc….

Upper division courses could have less than 30 in a class.

UCLA is a large school. Most of the pre-major courses are in other departments (chem, bio, math, physics). The courses are large because there are students from multiple majors that need to take them. In the link Gumbymom posted above, you can look up the size of the lecture halls to see how many students they hold.

Because ES is considered interdisciplinary at UCLA, most upper division courses are also in other departments. On first glance, one thing I notice is the Intro to ES was only offered one quarter this year. Since it is required for all ES pre-majors, I would note which quarter it is offered (may change each year) and make it a priority to enroll in that class in year 1 or 2.

Did you look at the student handbook? Page 117 has information about research opportunities.

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Any information about Regents scholarships? Have they been sent out already?

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