Ok, so i was accepted to ucla, berkely, and bostoncollege. I ultimately chose ucla because i was accepted spring semester for berkeley and do not like east coast weather. Also, because i am undecided in humanities, i felt that ucla was perfect because it is amazing in all fields of study. However, im not getting that super excited feeling that everyone else seems to be having- I do feel that ucla is practically a good fit for me, but maybe I am still nervous...?? Does anyone else feel this way???</p>
<p>Everybody has doubts about where they choose to attend, even I myself have doubts about attending UCLA. But I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am to go to such a great university in an amazing place like LA. I can’t imagine not being absolutely ecstatic!</p>
<p>@546marie: What specifically makes you nervous? What are you worried about? (And when you say you “chose” UCLA, do you mean you already SIR’ed?)</p>
<p>I think nerves are normal and so is constant re-evaluation if you are not 100% into a school. I thought S was ready to commit, but now overcrowded dorms and classes are giving him pause. UCLA it is still a public school with all of the issues of one (overcrowding and budgets, etc.) After looking at the website on different things like how to change major even within the same college, nothing is user friendly and they seem to make it harder than need be. Comments about being a number versus a person there are concerning. So our concern is the private v. public dilemma, we know the difference, maybe you are feeling that too with BC as a choice. In terms of Cal and UCLA, wow, UCLA is is such a great area and is one of the most beautiful campuses, so if you are going for a liberal arts major, UCLA seems like a great choice to get excited about. If it was engineering, then Cal would be a definite pull.</p>
<p>Like CADREAMIN said, I’m thinking about the issues CA public schools are facing and that’s what making me have second thoughts. I’m super excited about getting into UCLA but now it’s the issues and problems I’ll have to face once I step on campus. I already SIR’d, so I can’t take it back. It’s just that I wish I could have thought more about my college decision than I did. What makes me feel a little better and relieved is to know that UCLA has many resources and counselors, and I’ll just have to plan and schedule accordingly. :)</p>
<p>It’s a one in lifetime decision when choosing your college for undergrad thus totally normal to feel nervous or insecure about your decision. You only feel super excited when you get accepted to the college, not when you submit your SIR as before the SIR you still had options, now you don’t (well you actually still do, but you get my point). I mellowed out when I submitted my SIR, but remember, your life doesn’t not revolve on just college so don’t place that much emphasis on it or you’ll keep seeing the faults of your chosen college.</p>
<p>This has helped a lot I have not SIRd yet, but I have definitely told people I am attending haaha I am excited for Bruin day, as I feel that will help solidify my view that UCLA is my #1 choice so far… And then of course, my parents are like, are you SURE this is it?? haha not helping
And you are totally right CADREAMIN, I am planning a liberal arts major so u make a good point- and it IS beautiful! haha
And that def makes sense hakuex! and alwaysawriter, I think I am just nervous about making the right decision as I am not completely in love with any of my 3 schools, but I am sure the visiting days will help :D</p>
<p>Just remember that you can always transfer if you find that UCLA is not the perfect fit. D1 chose her “dream” school a few years back only to find she was dreadfully unhappy there. She transferred to another school (one whose offer she had initially declined) and is very happy about the move. You’re young and have many options… know that you can correct course when necessary!</p>
<p>A common feeling after any major decision, unfortunately. Google “buyers remorse”</p>