<p>So I got into all of the UC's I applied to as a Political Science major except UCLA. I freaked out last minute (because I thought I wouldn't get in with Poli Sci) and applied to UCLA as a Gender Studies major.
My question is: how hard is it to petition for a double major in a highly impacted major at UCLA? I would like to major in Poli Sci but still honor the Gender Studies because I really do like it but I feel like Gender Studies would be useless without Poli Sci.. and I have most of the Poli Sci major pre-reqs. I know the website says I cannot change my major to any of the impacted majors as a junior level transfer but it doesnt say that I cannot double major in a impacted major...does it?</p>
<p>and if I cannot double in Poli Sci I don't want to go to UCLA, so I need to figure this out ASAP :/ HELP!</p>