UCLA/ SD Without ELC (Top 9%)?

I have a 3.93 unweighted A- G GPA (my school doesn’t weight grades) and I estimated my weighted capped UC GPA at 4.19, but I checked my UC App and I’m not within the Top 9% at my high school, when kids with lower GPAs somehow made it in. I read on here that there’s no point in asking them about it because it should be accurate… But does this prevent me from getting into UCLA or UCSD. I know the top 9% kids have a better shot, but with a 2270 SAT and my GPA being what it is, am I still a competitive applicant as far as numbers go, for UCB, Davis, LA, or SD?

You may not be in the top 9% at your HS but very possible you are top 9% in-state (statewide path). ELC is only a guarantee for UC Merced and not being in the top 9% will not prevent you from receiving acceptances for the UC’s.

Your stats indicate that you are a competitive applicant so I would not worry.


Thank you! Based on the slider calculator on the UC website, I am in the top 9% on the statewide path. However, all of the UCs I’m interested in mentioned that they consider the ELC for high school- it was the first item on UCLA’s list. So am I at a distinct disadvantage compared to the rest of my peers for admission into the competitive UCs?

If your stats are within your target UC ranges, I do not think you are at a disadvantage. UC’s also take into consideration essays and EC’s along with HS course rigor. ELC or not, these could be deciding factors for many applicants.

Thank you so much!

My DD was in the same situation. I actually emailed them and they got back to me. The person who responded sent a very detailed and kind letter and said that my DD (with 1B her whole entire high school in AP English, 4 AP classes Jr Year and 4 this year) is a very competitive applicant but because she goes to a large, VERY competitive high school, she is not in the top 9% for that high school. Her ACT was 33! Pretty unbelievable.

The UC rep said not to worry. I am still concerned and think this whole ranking thing is ridiculous because if they DON’T care about the top 9%, then why the heck do they tell everyone right off the bat on the website?? But whatever will be, will be. She has 0 interest in Merced and wants to be at UCLA or UCB. So if they are only looking at the top 9% for her high school historically, she has almost no chance of getting in despite her stellar record…

@kath00: If it is UCLA/UCB or nothing, then your daughter still could be very disappointed regardless if she is ELC eligible or not. With below 20% acceptance rates for these schools, there are no guarantees. If she applied widely throughout the UC system, she will have plenty of options even without UCB or UCLA. UC Merced may be a last resort for her but not for many of still very qualified UC applicants.

Yes she did apply to UCSD and UCSB also.

Agree with @gumbymom, @kath00, if your child didn’t apply widely, she may be extremely disappointed.

@NofutureXD, you should be good for UCSD and possibly Davis. Berkeley and LA will be tough.