UCLA/UCI Supplement HELP

<p>So I got this email and sent out my two essay regarding my greatest achievment and an academic disadvantage. BUT I am starting to think that I only got this not because they think im special but they have to send this to all disabeld students... I have albinism and am legally blind.
For one essay I wrote about the time I was volunteering in a hospital and I pressed the code button that saved this lady's life, as my greatest acomplasment in life.
For the disadvantage essay I wrote about having to adapt to a world that was meant for perfect sight. I talked about all I have overcome due to my vision and how I can bring my own view on life "a view that does not require perfect sight" to college</p>

<p>I was also in the San Bruno Gas Pipe explosion, and how my brother and I were home alone at the time ( we escaped safely). I talked about that in my origional application.</p>

<p>My stats arent that impressive, SAT 1750 GPA 3.7 but i really do have an inspiring life story, and I went to UCLA's NYLF on Medicine.</p>

<p>SO do you think I actually have a shot, or are they just sending me this because they have to?</p>

<p>Some people say they’re sending it by random but I don’t think they are. I read in another forum post that they’re sending you this because you’re “on the borderline”. But I guess they probably want to know you better? And it won’t hurt to write it since they’re giving you a chance to present yourself to them and let them know you even better.</p>