Heyo everyone, I got admitted to UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD. I am having trouble deciding which one I really wanna go to. I live in San Diego, and have visited all the campuses. Nothing really stood out, and I like them all the same. The money is around the for all of them. I got accepted into the UCSB honors program right off the bat. What I really wanna study is, Physics (leading into like particle physics, and quantum stuff) and computer science (leading into artificial intelligence). I wouldn’t mind doing cognitive science/neuroscience as like a minor as well. I am also considering grad school, so what would a graduate program like MIT weigh more when considering an application from these schools.

I am having issues deciding which would be the best school for these majors. I was wondering if anyway could maybe sway my decisions. Thanks I really appreciate it and I hope you have a great week.

Tough decision! I think it’s easiest to immediately think UCLA because of its prestige, but UCSB is actually ranked highest among all 3 for physics (top 10 program in US) and being part of the honors program is huge (especially the priority enrollment). Do you think you want to stay close to home? In which case UCSD is a great choice. Otherwise, I think UCLA or UCSB seem like the logical top two. I don’t think you can go wrong with either. Did you spend time in Isla Vista? Do you like the smaller, college town or prefer a larger college town like Westwood? Really great options! Congrats!