I was admitted as a transfer to UCLA in the Geography/Environmental Studies major and to UCSB in the Environmental Studies major.
Even though the SIR deadline is Friday at midnight my personal goal was to send it in tomorrow (Wed 5/30) night at the latest because I don’t want to be going on there last minute and experiencing technical difficulties, etc. So I’m stressing because this gives me about 24 hours to decide.

My dad really wants me to choose UCLA (it’s ironic because he actually went to UCSB). I visited the campus a couple weeks ago and I was very impressed. But I do have a couple problems with UCLA.
First of all I don’t love the location. UCLA is about 50 miles from where I grew up and currently live in SoCal and I see that as a little bit too close. I was hoping for a bit of a change of pace and for me it’s just a little too familiar. Also I’m a bit of a nature freak and was hoping I could be somewhere less urban and less polluted. In contrast I love SB, it’s a beautiful place (My dad told me that if I live on campus I’d hardly know I was in LA because it’s like a little city of its own…).

Secondly I’m unsure of the major at UCLA. It seems to me that Geography/ Env Studies is more focused on Geography than Env Studies and I don’t know if I like that. SB seems to offer a much greater variety of Environmental related class selection - it’s very extensive and seems more interesting (My dad responded to this by telling me that it provides me a focus so I can already hone in on a specialty).
Lastly I’m guaranteed only one year of housing at UCLA whereas at SB I’m guaranteed for two. Lack of housing for my 2nd year at UCLA seems a little concerning.
So why not choose UCSB? you may be thinking.
I’m not sure I would fit in as well with other students in terms of attitudes toward academics or social culture at UCSB. I have always seen myself as a very motivated and driven person who likes to accomplish things. I’ve heard that UCSB is a fine school for academics but most students don’t have quite the same focus and intention as at UCLA. This is my dad’s primary point in his argument for me choosing UCLA - that regardless of the major I would benefit more from UCLA’s academic environment.
Also I realize that SB has a bit of a reputation as a party school and I’m quite straight edge. Not only do I eschew drinking/smoking/vaping but I don’t even like to take cold meds when I’m sick. Lol.
So I’m not exactly sure if I would fit in with the overall vibe at SB - I do feel like I would benefit from LA’s energy. And I wonder if I’d be able to make enough friends.

Oh, one more thing - this should probably be irrelevant but I’m a musician and I would like to start a band once I go off to wherever I choose - mostly to have fun and have something to do in my free time if I have any. I know LA has a much, much better music scene but can anyone weigh in on SB’s scene? Would I be able to find musicians at UCSB?

Sorry for this huge amount of information - advice would be highly, highly appreciated.

At both schools you will be able to find people that you will click with. Academically you will get a fantastic education at UCSB and ucla. UCSB will have a lot of people who party but so will UCLA. You will be able to have a great time at UCSB without partying so don’t let that stop you from attending. Overall you can’t go wrong so chose the school that you feel you will fit in best with.

Thanks for the response.

In case anyone looks at this at some point in the future searching for advice, I’d like to mention that I went with UCLA.
Maybe I’ll post an update at some point! Hopefully it all works out.

Great choice, you will find your peeps there and distance from home is irrelevant. You can be 20 minutes away and it can feel like a lot further. You’ll love it, congrats on two great choices, couldn’t lose either way, but UCLA sounds like a great fit for you.