UCLA vs USC for EE

I have been accepted at UCLA EE (Fast Track Program) and also to USC EE as a Presidential Scholar (half tuition). Cost is not a concern, though UCLA will be cheaper. These are my two final choices.

What are the pros and cons of each? I may want to switch to Computer Science and Engineering depending on the initial courses. I know that UCLA EE has a Computer Engineering specialization, and that USC Viterbi is very flexible about changes in major.

Please share your views, they will be valuable in helping me make a decision.Posting this in both UCLA and USC forums.Thanks for your help.

I would guess that the classes at UCLA have more students, but beyond that, there’s probably not much to differentiate the CS/CE programs at the two schools.

Go to the school you feel most comfortable at.

The crown jewel of USC, IMHO, isn’t really the film school, but its affiliate, Interactive Media and Games Division, which collaborates with Computer Engineering. That, my friend, is the wave of the future because the applications are limitless and the industry is exploding. You need to take advantage of that opportunity or at least investigate it if you have the talent to.become a computer engineer or scientist. Best of luck, congratulations and Fight On!

If they are comparable in cost, go to USC! You’ll get good resources, smaller classes, more easy access to faculty,etc. at a private school vs a public school for a field that both schools have good programs in.

Thanks for the comments – will visit both and decide!