<p>does anyone know where you can buy the same style of weekly planners that we got at orientation? They have lots of other planners at ackermann, but none of them have the same layout as the one we got at orientation.</p>
<p>Check the bookstore. They have a stand thing near the line with the planners.</p>
<p>oh, i have, the new ones are horrible, though. i guess i’m just really picky, lol. but i really liked the way the ones from 2008 orientation were, with a grid of hours on the vertical axis, and the days running straight across the top.</p>
<p>you actually use it?</p>
<p>i bought one once and i ended up not using it. i guess my life is too routine :(</p>
<p>Ohh, okay. Yeah, you can get the same style planners at Flax or something – the stationary store in Westwood. It’s kind of pricey, but they have the vertical column thingy. The planners that have this are the Moleskines and then the Quo Vadis - it’s in the back of the store on the right hand side (or when I last went there). They don’t sell these style planners at Ackerman ): Or at least I didn’t see them. But yeah, these planners will probably be 10-20$ depending on the size and stuff, but they are quality.</p>
<p>And yeah, I’m picky about my planners, too XD haha.</p>
<p>^ thanks a lot man, i’ll check those out.
yeah, though, the planners at ackermann aren’t much cheaper, they’re in the $10+ range too…might as well spend the money to get something you actually like.</p>