UCONN 2026 Admissions

Approximately 100 students i believe

I got waitlisted

When do waitlist decision typically come out

Hey!! I wanted to ask some questions to you as an international transfer student whoā€™s applying to UConn and is scared of the process lol!!! Can you help me too a bit regarding some issues?? Where should i contact you? I have like a millions of questions so if youā€™re free, Iā€™d be really greatfulšŸ’—

I probably wont be able to answer your questions

Ask on r/uconn

Wonder if the Honors classes are tougher than regular classes and if Honors students will have smaller classes? I understand thereā€™s separate housing for Honors studentsā€¦
Our DD got admitted in the program with a 23K scholarship


Congratulations! If you donā€™t mind, how much was the scholarship for? Thanks so much!

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Congratulations! How much was your scholarship?