UCSB Family Housing

<p>I was wondering which family housing is your favorite and maybe if someone could list the pros and cons of each one! Please!</p>

<p>I have 3-year-old twins, I am a YOUNG single mom (24), and am trying to find the best fit for my kids and I.</p>

<p>Found some info here, looking as well</p>

<p>[College</a> Lists / Family Housing](<a href=“http://collegelists.pbworks.com/w/page/16119442/Family-Housing]College”>http://collegelists.pbworks.com/w/page/16119442/Family-Housing) :</p>

<p>Berea College (KY)</p>

<p>Chatham College (PA - for women) - [Campus</a> Life | Chatham University](<a href=“http://www.chatham.edu/studentlife/resident_gradhousing.cfm]Campus”>http://www.chatham.edu/studentlife/resident_gradhousing.cfm)</p>

<p>Drew University (NJ) - family housing available for graduate students; not clear if also available for undergraduates</p>

<p>Endicott College (MA) - single parent program - [Keys</a> to Degrees Program](<a href=“http://www.endicott.edu/servlet/RetrievePage?site=endicott&page=SingleParProg]Keys”>http://www.endicott.edu/servlet/RetrievePage?site=endicott&page=SingleParProg)</p>

<p>Ferris State (MI)</p>

<p>Guilford College (NC)</p>

<p>Hamilton College (NY)</p>

<p>Mills College (CA) See Underwood Apartments section of Residential Options: [Mills</a> College - Housing, residential options](<a href=“http://www.mills.edu/campus_life/housing/residential_options.php]Mills”>http://www.mills.edu/campus_life/housing/residential_options.php)</p>

<p>Michigan State Univ.</p>

<p>Northern Illinois University</p>

<p>Northern Michigan Univ.</p>

<p>Northwest College (WY)</p>

<p>Pacific Union College (CA) Family Housing information: [Pacific</a> Union College | Student Family Housing](<a href=“http://www.puc.edu/campus-services/campus-housing/student-family-housing]Pacific”>http://www.puc.edu/campus-services/campus-housing/student-family-housing)</p>

<p>St. Mary-of-the-Woods College (IN - women’s college)</p>

<p>St. Paul’s College in Farmville (VA - HBCU)</p>

<p>Univ. of Maine (University Park Family Housing)</p>

<p>University of Southern Maine</p>

<p>University of Oregon - Family Housing information: [Eligibility</a> Guidelines - University Housing](<a href=“http://housing.uoregon.edu/apartments/eligibility.php]Eligibility”>http://housing.uoregon.edu/apartments/eligibility.php)</p>

<p>University of Vermont - [Apartments</a> & Family Housing : University of Vermont](<a href=“http://www.uvm.edu/~rlweb/graduate_students/]Apartments”>http://www.uvm.edu/~rlweb/graduate_students/)</p>

<p>West Virginia University</p>

<p>Wilson College ¶</p>

<p>Wright State Univ (OH)</p>

<p>How does that help? UCSB isn’t on there.</p>

<p>englishmaj is just a ■■■■■.</p>

<p>fail harder, englishmaj.</p>

<p>Take a look here alxajam: [UCSB</a> Apartments General Information](<a href=“http://www.housing.ucsb.edu/hchoices/fsh-general-info.htm]UCSB”>http://www.housing.ucsb.edu/hchoices/fsh-general-info.htm)</p>

<p>otherwise, I’m not too familiar with family housing in UCSB. :|</p>

<p>Thank you :slight_smile: I actually contacted someone from the Storke housing blog and got a ridiculous amount of information. And I’m coming up on Friday to check out the preschool and housing.</p>

<p>Thats good to hear!</p>

<p>Make sure to take your time on it. After all, the housing is not only for you but for your twins as well. :)</p>

<p>You may have already decided, but as a West Campus resident, I thought I would chime in. I would recommend Storke if you have a pair of twins. Storke has noticeably more children than West Campus and a better support network to watch kids, which will be important if you are a single mom going through school. West Campus is quieter and has a much greater proportion of couples without children.</p>

<p>I personally prefer West Campus due to it’s location (right by the ocean cliff trails and close to a bus stop that goes to downtown SB), price, and quieter atmosphere, but I would probably choose Storke if I had two young children. I think Storke 1 offers a better value than Storke 2, but I will admit that Storke 2 apartments are very nice, especially those on the second floor with vaulted ceilings. Storke 2 apartments also lack stairs, though that may be less of a concern with 3 year olds.</p>

<p>Either way, you will get a great deal on housing if you choose family housing at UCSB, as even the most expensive housing (Storke 2) is about $500 less than the going rate.</p>

<p>I’d be happy to answer any questions.</p>