ucsb or uci?

Hi I’m moving from florida to California this summer and taking one year off to obtain residency. I will be taking online classes through a college in florida while living in California. During the fall of 2016 I will need to apply to a school. I was wondering which schools would be best for a business major? I enjoy a fit life and love to be social, but also hit the books when I need to. I’m from South Florida and currently going to school in Orlando. Also if anyone knows the price range for apartments near the schools please let me know. Thanks!

Are you applying as a transfer or a Freshman? If you are planning to apply as a Freshman, you cannot take any college level classes during your GAP year or you will be considered a Transfer. If you are a transfer, will you have 60 semester or 90 quarter transferable units done by Spring of your transfer year? UCI/UCSB only accept Junior level transfers. Both areas near these schools are expensive and you do realize that UCI is in Southern California about 1 hour south from LA. UCSB is about 2 hours north of LA. Where do you plan to live in the meantime?? Somewhere in-between?

Establishing California residency is not so easy:::


UCI has a Business school, UCSB does not.

What are your qualifications and budget?

@NCalrent @gumbymom I will be transferring as a junior with an associates degree from Valencia College. Ill live in the area of the school that I want to apply for when transferring.I will also be working and meeting new people around that area. I have a 3.2 GPA and going into business. My budget i guess would be between 700-1000 for an apartment I hope to live with some roommates also.

If you are under the age of 24 and your parents do not live in California, it is unlikely you will be able to establish residency here for purposes of in-state tuition.

Does any one know if its possible to obtain residency after 1 year of living there? Am i not allowed to depend on my parent in Florida? I plan on working as soon as I get there as well as establishing my banks there, getting DL, and leasing an apartment. I have money saved up in a savings account that is more than enough to help me.

Residency here is difficult to obtain as a student. Either plan on paying out of state tuition all 4 years or, get that sorted out before you move.

Budget aside, I don’t think a 3.2 will get you into UCSB or UCI as a transfer.

UCI and UCSB both participate in the TAG (transfer guarantee program). As the name implies, it guarantees applicants from CCs in CA admission - as long as they take a specific set of classes and maintain a threshold GPA. The required GPA varies by campus and major but, typically ranges from 3.4-3.6 which looks like it will trip you up. (typically, the Tag threshold is lower than what’s expected from a non-TAG applicant.)

Surprisingly, UCI actually excludes Business Majors from TAG entirely - again suggesting it is highly competitive and will likely require a 3.5+.


UCR posts their TAG threshold for Business at 3.0 - that’s certainly worth a look.


I’d also encourage you to look into several CSUs, Fullerton, Northridge, Pomona, San Marcos and perhaps Long Beach in the So Cal area. They all have credible Biz programs and are probably within reach. Though they share residency requirements with

Good luck.

@NCalRent The TAG is for California community college students, isn it?

Yes it is - Sorry - I thought you were going to get your AA from a school in Valencia CA - just north of LA.

To establish residency, you must live in CA for a year before you apply, not be a dependent, have a job, and can’t be a student anywhere.

It is a pretty high bar.

It is probably quicker to stay put, get your degree in FL then move to CA.

Are you sure you can’t be a student anywhere? I was planing on finishing up my AA taking online courses while living in Cal.

No offense but, your situation is exactly the one the state of CA is looking to keep at OOS rates. Your plan is to come to CA specifically to attend a publicly subsidized university. You aren’t a resident and don’t deserve to pay in-state tuition.

I encourage you to do your own research before making a life changing decision. Here’s a good place to start.


I do wish you well…

@NCalRent I want to live there permanently I intent to completely make it my home I was just checking on ways for me not to miss out on school while I make the move there that all. My plan is not to go to Cal just to go to school it never was and still won’t be. I DO NOT WANT TO MISS SCHOOL TIME! Just checking ways I don’t have to miss school geez

I get it but, the rules require you to take a year off. It is supposed to be a disincentive.

If you stay put - you can graduate on time, at a reasonable expense.

If you come to CA - You may either delay your graduation and get in state tuition (assuming you comply with all the criteria) - or graduate on-time by paying OOS fees.

The total extra cost for 2 years at a CSU will be $15k.

The choice is yours.

Good luck,