Hello! I am currently deciding between these three schools: UCI, UCSB and UCSD.

As of right now, I am a Regents Scholar for UCSD, and I am not sure whether I will any financial awards from UCI or UCSB.
I went to the UCSD reception and I honestly love what they have said, except for the fact that getting into CS is a lottery system and there is no swipe system for the food!

I do not know whether CS is for me, because I am undecided. I believe if I put CS as my first choice I would have gotten in, but I put undeclared (because I was determined to get into UCLA’s School of Nursing at the time).

Should I consider UCSB or UCI? I feel like it is easier to get into their CS.

I am looking for a campus that is very social and friendly, with a lot of clubs and activities to do. I am interested in Volleyball, dancing, singing, drawing, piano, learning languages, CKI, and ethnic-oriented clubs. I also like to surround myself with competition. But, from what I am aware of, UCSB is a party school, and I’m not really into the party-scene.

UCI might the easier of the 3 schools to switch into CS. UCSD and UCSB are almost impossible. UCSD is on lottery and UCSB has a small Engineering school in comparison of UCI so you will probably have a better chance there. Again even at UCI, CS is a capped/impacted major so even if you complete the pre-req courses and maintain the required GPA, there may be no spots available. I would contact each schools CS department and ask how many students are able to change into CS.

Also remember that all schools can be party schools. Parties can be found on any campus and each school has plenty of clubs and activities.

You need to visit all the campuses, find out how tough it is to change into CS and see for yourself which school would be a good fit. Only you can decide what works for you academically/financially and socially.

I would suggest UCSB due to their campus diversity. A lot of the social aspects that you talked about are one of the best factors that UCSB has in my opinion.

@Gumbymom Yea, CS is a really impacted major, isn’t it? How about UCLA? I know that there is a very slight chance I will get into UCLA through appeal, but I’d like to know if I should even try, especially if there is a bigger chance of entering their CS major.

@Trish19: From my understanding, very few applicants that are waitlisted will get into CS/Engineering at UCLA let alone through appeal. Unless you have new and compelling information for your appeal that was not addressed on your original application, I think it will be a waste of time. CS is even more impacted at UCLA than the rest of the UC’s. As stated above, UCI might be your best chance and even there it will be tough.

@Gumbymom I was thinking more of enteirng their L&S and then switching into their school of engineering, would that be as rare as switching if you were in UCSD?

There is very little chance of entering into L&S and switching into Engineering. If you want confirmation, I would PM
@10s4life a CC poster on the UCLA threads who has an excellent knowledge of the UCLA admission process.