Hi there again,
I had a question regarding UCSC tag (CS).
So the required courses for admission and tag (foundation courses) are calc 1,2 and a few cs classes.
Chemistry is required for graduation but not admission (asked the tag coordinator) and isn’t listed as a Foundation course. So if my tag gets accepted and i drop my chemistry cohese will it be voided? Because im not sure if tag is only voided if foundation/prereqs are dropped or is it for any class dropped in the fall and spring?
Thanks in advance!

only a UCSC rep can give you a definitive answer. What are you going to do if someone here assures you it is ok and in the spring UCSC disagrees?

Contact admissons and ask. Do it by email so you have a record of what they told you.

Done today got clarity from em. Only major courses matter so it doesn’t affect it if i drop.
Wasn’t sure they reply by email since the last time i emailed in the summer i didnt receive one