I was wondering if anyone can tell me some pros and cons for going to these schools. I recently got accepted into both of these but I’m wondering if there is any reason to go to one over the other.
I’m currently applying with a mechanical engineering major but I’m considering transferring into CS. (While UCSC is close to the silicon valley, UCI is close to home.) I was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit about the programs and maybe some other useful information that can help me decide where I want to go. (and if I should go to these schools even if I were to get accepted into UCSD through waitlist)

U.S. News came out with 2017 overall global ranking and also by subjects (engineering, cs, business etc…). Here’s the link:


You can change subject to CS to see the new list. UCSC wasn’t ranked high enough to show up on either list. However, UCI engineering has been slipping over the last few years (do your research). I read somewhere online that Engineering students are not happy and are looking to transfer out. Not sure if CS dept has same issues. Also, CS is impacted, so if you wanted to switch later it’s going to be difficult (very competitive). Good luck!

Santa Cruz is in the Redwoods (watch the video in your acceptance letter). UCI is a very nice, well groomed campus but it is in the middle of Irvine so more suburban.

UCSC VS UCI engineering comparison:


Did you get accepted at UCSC with a ME major or undeclared? It shows that UCSC doesn’t have a ME program? Engineering majors are impacted at both schools. UCI for sure if you can switch to CS. Trust me, being close to home is important but far enough to stay in the dorms the 1st and maybe 2nd year for “the college experience”.

I’m a UCSD Revelle College alumnus- I was felt up with the dorms and off campus housing after a couple of years. Went home often for home-cook meals. Commute the rest of my time at UCSD and saved a lot of money. My S is currently at UCR in Bourne College of Engineering EE major and he’s home often for different reasons. Have the discussion with your parents. At the end of the day, do what feels right for you and your family.

Congrats to be accepted into both UCI and UCSC!

My $.02, having taught at UCI Extension for ~ 10 years: Irvine is the antithesis of a college town (to me). It’s nice, clean and well located, but sterile.

@bighero8 - I hope “felt up” is a typo for “fed up…”

arc918 - yes it’s a typo and also the last sentence “congrats to be accepted” ??? :slight_smile: