UCSC vs UCSD vs UCI for Political Science/Law school prep


I am a CCC transfer applying for Fall 2018 admission later this year. I am majoring in Political Science and hope to go to law school after my undergraduate. I would like a school that would be ridiculously hard to maintain a solid GPA, but will have the academic rigor to prepare me for law school. Any recommendations? BTW, I have a 3.9 GPA currently, hoping to keep that going :smiley:

I’d TAG Davis too. Proximity to the capitol makes for some unique opportunities for Poli Sci majors.

I agree with NCalRent…all the UCs you have listed are solid UCs, and Davis does have the proximity to Sacramento. for internships. My understanding the T14 look for stats/GPA/LSAT scores primarily. A majority of my DD law school (T14) the students worked a couple of years before attending. She worked on the hill/DC.