<p>@ eager2go: Love this attitude. I agree haha. All part of the admission experience. In a few months we’ll laugh at how absurd and crazed we were about getting into these schools. What’s even more funny is that many of us have TAG, and on top of that, many of us don’t even have UCSD as our favorite pick. It’s just funny how badly we want to get in somewhere.</p>
<p>I can’t wait until we can look back at this in May.</p>
<p>For you guys maybe; I have TAG, but that doesn’t discount the chance that I may have messed up somewhere. This is the only school I applied to. It’s not that I was being risky or anything, it’s just the school I want to go to.</p>
<p>@iambeowulf: it was loading… but now it’s not again. It says:
/* authenticated */ var mytritonlinkAuth=true; and when it was working the housing page was down for me as well.</p>
<p>This doesn’t happen every night. I would know… haha. Also, ernily, -something- happened to a few people while nothing happened to others. You don’t know. It might be coming out soon.</p>
<p>okay mine is taking forever to load too. I just really want to get accepted SOMEWHERE already. applied to 13 schools and have yet to hear from any of them :/</p>
<p>^ Anyway, I’m actually in Taiwan at the moment. Doing an internship because I finished CC in a year. 20 AP units helps a lot hahaha. I’ll post if anything does happen.</p>