UCSD Acceptance

<p>Jocelyne: read better, there are links to the Transfer admit day. it’s under the freshman admit day.</p>

<p>brian: people actually got into the college that the parent site showed. there wasn’t much of a discrepancy from what was displayed and what college you were accepted to; i believe there were only like two or three that didn’t get into what was shown.</p>

<p>also, yeah, the parent site shows new information for me regarding the transfer admit day but, i do not have the new housing message. this makes me sad. perhaps tomorrow :(</p>



<p>that’s what it says for me on the parent site: IT IS DIFFERENT FOR EVERY COLLEGE. MINE IS WARREN.
it tells me to register for transfer admit day, but it can’t find my application ID -__-</p>

i think that is last years message, mine is Warren also and says the exact same thing. It says All payments must be received before the registration deadline of Friday, August 14, 2009.</p>

<p>same as mine Fenris i only have new parent thing changed but not housing… :(</p>






<p>maybe they are still fixing the website lol</p>

<p>Have you guys tried to register for transfer admit day?</p>

<p>So like two weeks ago I tried that parent website link and it didn’t recognize my info but today after seeing the change in housing message I tried it and it took me to Revelle College’s page which was my first choice.</p>

<p>My housing message changed too. Can someone please link the parent website? I can’t seem to find it. Thanks.</p>

<p>There you go : <a href=“https://aventeur.ucsd.edu/public/newparent/[/url]”>https://aventeur.ucsd.edu/public/newparent/&lt;/a&gt; :D</p>

<p>Thank you! I got into my first choice for college- John Muir. However, I already got accepted to my first UC choice. UCSB!!!</p>

<p>Haha niiice, congrats ! :)</p>

<p>i wish my house changed too… but it didnt =/ only the new parents changed…</p>

<p>yeahhhh my housing message also changed to this: Housing will be accepting applications for newly admitted transfer students beginning May 2, 2010. Please come back to this site at this time.</p>

<p>does it mean anything significant??</p>

<p>No housing message change for me this morning but i cant access triton link now because it’s taking me forever to log in! However, i can access the avanteur page and i can see the details about the details about the transfer day. What is that suppose to mean?</p>

<p>thats what we all trying to figure out =/</p>

<p>the housing message means you most likely got in basing it on last years numbers.</p>

<p>the parent site is still in limbo. guys, please learn to read. the fact that you guys aren’t makes me cry that you’re getting an acceptance in this batch and i’m not. </p>

<p>the parent site isn’t a reliable indicator. the housing application is.</p>

<p>Yeah not getting into this batch is fairly annoying, but oh well.</p>

<p>it’s ok audio, best for last.</p>

<p>Not getting on this batch will be such a bummer. Do you know how many batches they will release? I dont think i can wait any longer! I dont want to be in the last batch! :frowning: i just NEED at least 1 acceptance!!! :(</p>

<p>^I know how you feel. I have transfer-itis real bad…i can’t take the wait…i’d rather be rejected then keep waiting…at least that way I could plan my life…nvm, i’d rather be tortured for another month and get accepted…geez…i am f*** either way…</p>