Speculation I assume</p>
<p>where is this thread from last year?</p>
<p>Just kidding.</p>
<p>ok u scare me off that one second…</p>
<p>that’s not funny…</p>
<p>Next friday? SO FAR FROM TODAYYY</p>
<p>It will all be over in the next 4 weeks. All your pain and suffering will end. After 4 weeks, a new type of pain and suffering begins. That is, which school to go to, dealing with rejections, where to live, orientation obligations, how to pay, and finding a suitable mate for procreation.</p>
<p>nah i have all of those. all i have to worry about is my TAG --whether i did something wrong or not-- and getting into SD</p>
<p>That comment was more constructive than any of your comments before.</p>
<p>The SD TAG basically just said both English classes through Fall 09, a Math class by Fall 09, and IGETC by Spring 10 with like a freakin 3.0 gpa and you are in.</p>
<p>I think it’s best if everyone just stops calling out random dates and times. Looking back at this forum, it’s easy to see that nobody was ever right!</p>
<p>I heard the next batch is getting released on Monday around noontime.</p>
<p>I heard the next batch is getting released at 12 am</p>
<p>I heared the next batch is getting released one year later</p>
<p>I heard the next batch will be released when the next batch is released.</p>
<p>“The University of California San Diego is no longer accepting applicants. Better luck next time.”</p>
<p>I like where this thread is going.</p>
<p>My sources just confirmed, the next batch is definitely going to be released at approx. 1:30 AM. If you do not check before 6:00 AM, your acceptance will be rescinded. Do not miss it.</p>
<p>hahahahah this is even funnier LOL</p>
<p>i’m having trouble logging in. P1SSIN ME OFF</p>