UCSD Acceptance

<p>I would love to be in the next batch and know I’m in already!!! LOL</p>

<p>how do you know you’re in already!??! haha this is gonna drive us all crazy</p>

<p>re-read that man</p>

<p>haha thats when you know im constantly checking this thread…</p>

<p>^^ lol </p>

<p>10 char</p>

<p>LOL it could have been confusing I guess!</p>

<p>everytime i look at this thread i feel anxious, i already heard good news from SD and SB but this just reminds me that i havent heard anything from UCLA or CAL :'(</p>

<p>How are we gonna kick off the late night session guys</p>

<p>Edit: oops this is the wrong thread.</p>

<p>Almost April’s fools day!!! Hopefully no stupid error from UCSD’s admissions this year lol</p>

<p>@ brazil: LMAO! haha yes wrong thread indeed. </p>

<p>@ Oliver: Good one! You had me going for a solid 3 seconds and then I was like…what portal?? lol.</p>

<p>@ emil: Lol thanks man, I can’t fathom how anxious you must be to hear from Cal. It must be even more difficult considering you too haven’t heard from UCSD.</p>

<p>Yeah man, I’m dyin here. We’re in April though!! YES! lol. You’re right though, I’m getting sorta nervous about UCSD. I have a 3.7, but I didn’t finish up my TAG like I said I would. I’m only missing 1 class though…< Why on Earth is calc necessary for Human Development BA?! lol. </p>

<p>I’m definitely hoping you get into UCSD! I remember month’s ago when we first discussed our stats and hopeful colleges…ahh the nostalgia lol.</p>

<p>calc isn’t required for TAG.</p>

<p>^ Thurgood Marshall. Woot woot!</p>

<p>i’m guessing that’s either someone elses or it’s yours and you took it a while ago. you wouldn’t have blanked out the time. april fools joke. obviously. they release acceptances ~10-11 AM</p>

<p>that’s someone else’s. i’m pretty sure. i think i saw that exact image already before. i think it was the OP of this thread or idk, someone already posted that</p>

<p>Nothing as of today. Ugh. Hopefully tomorrow?</p>

<p>nothing for me either :*(</p>

<p>^ Just checked and still haven’t heard. UGH!</p>

<p>nothing for me either.</p>