UCSD Acceptance

<p>For UCSD tag doesn’t guarentee you admission. Preference is given to tag students going to community colleges in the surrounding area or I think they call them service areas. I think that’s what I read on their websites. So if you apply for tag it’s not a guarentee admission for UCSD</p>

<p>^^ i do not think that’s the case. Can you please provide the links from which you got that information? </p>

<p>It won’t be called a transfer admission guarantee, if you are not guaranteed admission despite completing the conditions or requirements.</p>

i think that was the worst statement ever posted on this site. I also think you are talking about TAP not TAG.</p>

<p>UCSD tag does guarantee you admission.</p>

<p>lol, why is it taking so long to hear back from this school? is it safe to say we are not accepted if we have not heard back yet?</p>

<p>if you tagged you’re in unless you ****ed something up</p>

<p>Lakertime is probably right. i mean, what reason would anyone have to believe that a Transfer Agreement Guarantee would entail anything about a guarantee regarding their transfer admission?</p>

<p>there is no guarantee. there are conditions, therefore it is not guaranteed. you have to do something in exchange (get the credits) and you have to live long enough to see the accepance notification. So, there is no guarantee. it should be called transfer admission deal, because thats what it is, a deal. A guarantee, to me, requires no effort for the outcome, it denotes a certainty. When someone guarantees something, they put the effort in not you. In this tag case, you technically are guaranteeing them (the school) that you will do something, they sit there and dangle the prize without effort.</p>

<p>^ Very perceptive and now I see what you mean. Good point lintij.</p>

<p>It’s called Transfer Admission Guarantee. It is a guarantee. Any play on those words is stupid. The job of the UCs when providing an agreement or contract is not meant to be confusing of ambiguous. It’s a straightforward statement. Among completion of IGETC with a 3.0 GPA or above, along with 60 units, guarantees admission to the school but not necessarily your major or your first choice college.</p>

<p>Please don’t assume like this isn’t an actual guarantee because it is. Thinking otherwise pretty much just shows how ignorant you are. </p>

<p>Also, lakertime is confusing TAG with TAP. Completely different things.</p>

<p>edit: lintj, since you seem to not know the definition of Guarantee, i’ve provided a link to the definition. Update your vocabulary :]</p>

<p><a href=“http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/guarantee[/url]”>http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/guarantee&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

yeah. you need a new definition of guarantee because yours is definitely wrong. Why would you think that a guarantee requires no effort? if you put it that way, then there really is no such thing as a “guarantee”, its a fabricated word.</p>

<p>Fenris you need to chill out… All you are doing in this thread is attempting to correct people on mistakes that are completely irrelevant. Stop acting like a know-it-all. Why are you even posting in this thread? Are you waiting to hear from UCSD? Let’s talk about things related to that rather than the correct definition of hack or guarentee</p>



<p>your words. that’s like saying i can make up my own definition for murder and explain to the police that my definition of “murder” is killing with a gun, but i killed him with a knife. it doesn’t work like that. you can’t give your own implicit definition of an explicitly defined word. </p>

<p>that said, the Transfer Admission Guarantee is a contract stating if you do this, we will do this. It’s simple due process. That “Guarantee” will hold up in a court of law just like if you bought a macbook and you were “guaranteed” warranty coverage. It’s not about ascribing to your definition. It’s about what the TAG says.</p>

<p>i don’t participate in debates and arguments i can’t win. Therefore, when i do participate, i am always right. it’s not a contradiction. i’m just infallible ;]</p>

<p>College Confidential: Come for the info, stay for the internet arguments.</p>

<p>@jamesinho: that is so damn true lmao</p>

<p>lol. Hasn’t the entire English language derived from made up words and combined definitions that change over time? Perhaps nobody has read Shakespeare in this forum in that regard? What Fenris just described is what a lawyer does, bend and twist definitions of policy and rules. Just because Fenris lives in this structured edifice of a world, does not mean everyone has to ascribe to it. A word means whatever I want it to mean, and not you, nor any academia, nor any body, is going to tell me that a word can be universally defined because it can’t. Words change over time, over countries, over distances, even over situations. You my friend are not a historian on the etymology of words, therefore your will to control definitions and language is a bit tyrannical if you ask me. I don’t have to use any definition of any word you put forth. You think WEBSTER dictionary has any clout over 30,000 years of language? As I said, and as I will say over and over, definitions change, all the time and will never stop changing. TAG may be the name, but I see it differently because I don’t think its a certainty that you will get in for signing a piece of paper. You have to PERFORM to get what you want. Do you get that? By saying the word “if” you just eliminated the word guarantee and introduced restrictions, and conditions. Again, this is my definition, not yours.</p>

<p>And what is an explicitly defined word? What does that even mean? Are you saying explicissity (I made that up fyi) has any power over language? Are you saying that because people call it this, it necessarily IS this?</p>

<p>I hope UCSD acceptances come out before WWIII starts from this thread…lol</p>

<p>Fenris… Hold on for a sec bud. My last post was probably a bit too general. What i was saying is there is no need to go into such detail about the definition of a word and the meaning of it. I feel like you are just trying to win an argument by picking apart everyone’s post that is in oppositioin to your own. I actually feel like A LOT of college kids have that kind of argumentative know-it-all attitude, including myself! (only a little bit though!!). They tend to focusing on winning the argument and being right and i think causes people to start losing sight of the big picture. We are all here to get some answers and maybe help others in the process, right? And honestly, you have been doing that. </p>

<p>Believe it or not, I actually agree with your comment on the transfer guarantee (spelled it correctly for you fen). If you have a tag and you maintain the requirements, you are definitely getting in. Other people are way over analyzing this and trying to win an argument with a bunch of “hypothetical” crap like “well technically it’s not a guarantee because you could die and blahblahblah.” </p>

<p>Oh and sorry for “attacking” you? Didn’t mean to come across like that. Hopefully we both get into UCSD. That’s all we care about right? If we do, then we can join a debate club and argue face to face hah. this internet arguing is dumb</p>

<p>The popcorn I mentioned previously was metaphorical . . . but now I actually want some popcorn. BRB.</p>

<p>I JUST checked my voicemail right now and realized i had an old message from none other than UCSD Admissions just verifying the error on my application and she said “we are just finishing up your evaluation” </p>

<p>HA GREAT, all but IN!</p>