**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

Wait I can accept UCR and still accept the wailist for UCSD?

No I have until June 1st. Do you guys want to kick me out the ucsd waitlist T___T jk lol. The problem is I’m settling down and I have to live in sd…

Wait what do you mean any engineering/cs will not get off the waitlist? Like they’ll get off but be admitted as undeclared?

I am assuming you still have a chance to accept UCR - the SIR deadline for all the students was May 14. But some students who got off the waitlist recently likely have a different deadline (I think May 28). Assuming you can still submit your UCR SIR (statement of intent to register), you can definitely accept your UCR admission (SIR to UCR). You will have to pay the deposit. If you do get admitted to UCSD later off the waitlist and want to accept that, you can withdraw from UCR. To be on the safe side, first submit the UCSD SIR (and pay the deposit) and then withdraw from UCR. You will lose the deposit for UCR in this case, but I assume you would be OK with that.

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Yes, for UCSD impacted majors, if you get off the wait list, it will be your 2nd choice (if not impacted) or un-declared. CS is definitely impacted. Call up UCSD if you want to get a piece of mind.

“I have to live in sd…” Did you apply to SDSU too?

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Ahh thanks a lot! :grin:

I made the mistake of choosing another capped major as my second choice but I really didn’t want to study anything else. And I unfortunately did not I still needed 2 classes to fulfill sdsu requirements for mech engineering while I had already completed all requirements/IGETC/any recommended classes like computer programming for ucsd. I feel my age makes me not want to wait a whole other year to go to sdsu.

UCSD and UCI is my last hope, otherwise I have to attend UCSC :frowning:
some school closed their waitlist already( Minnesota) and some school did not take people off the wl because the dorms are full. SD accept me pls :sob:

Seems you are junior transfer and not freshman. What I said might not apply. Don’t know.



Nothing here

UCSC is a beautiful campus, you will enjoy it.

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does anyone know if there have been any acceptances off UCSD’s waitlist?

there was a very small wave around late April but other than that nothing so far, they should hopefully start rolling out decisions these next few weeks! i know that UCB has extended their WL decisions and i believe all or at least most appeals were rejected due to lack of space. last year ucsd had students waiting till august 1 or at least until july, hopefully it’s not the same this year

I have been admitted to UW-Madison. But I am still waiting for the final result of UCSD. But is this waiting worth it? How do you think UW-Madison and UCSD?

UW Madison ranks much higher in business and engineering. It is about the same in Comp Sci. UCSD is closer to employment center. UWM is big in football & college sports, UCSD has no football.

The UCSD campus is nice. I have never visited UWM, but the photos look quite nice. UCSD is close to beach, while UWM has lots of snow in winter. What’s the COA for you?

Any emails regarding WL? Any news?

i havent received anything yet

No news.