**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

if both your first and second choices are capped would you be admitted as undeclared? is there a slim chance of that happening?

Yes, it is possible to be accepted Undeclared. UCSD specifically states that your alternate major should be an uncapped major.

I don’t think this is the case for waitlists. When I talked to an AO they made it clear that capped and impacted majors are significantly less likely to get off the waitlist. They admit based on where they need more people in a specific department/major, and cause capped majors are popular they are less likely to get off.

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I agree that capped majors are less likely to get off the waitlist, but if the student is a strong applicant, Undeclared may be an option. I said “possible” since anything is possible at this point.


Hey guys! Just spoke to an AO like a couple of seconds ago and everything that everyone else has said so far after meeting with different AOs is true but the one I spoke with said that they won’t be using the waitlist this month and will most likely be reaching out in June and no later than July 1st.

They’re waiting to see if any more students revoke their admissions in case they get accepted somewhere else or decide to attend another school. Like @Gumbymom said with COVID-19 there are tons of new factors that colleges have to take into account before admitting students.

It truly depends on the needs of the university (ex. need more CA residents, certain departments need more students, etc.). Hopefully, we’ll all be accepted by then, but for now, I would just say to fall in love with the school you’ve enrolled in instead of being trapped in limbo.


CONGRATS!!! hope to see you there :slight_smile:

as a transfer student?

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anyone got any updates?

nope, not yet

is UCSD currently having a housing issue? like too many students who gapped last year and returned and occupied the dorms. because UW madison did not accept anyone from waitlist because there are no enough dorms for everyone

Hello all, I just talked to the undergrad UCSD office. She said the waitlist freshman will be contacted by the end of June and waitlist transfer will be contacted by the end of July. I also asked if i don’t need dorm/housing would be effect the decision for waitlist? she said “no”. So I think we need to wait one more month.


What major are you on the WL for? Also did they indicate if any majors wont be considered? Thanks!

Any chance for CS/DSC majors?

I am Bio major. She didn’t mentioned any specific major wont be considered.

possibly, but i also think they have to consider COVID-19 guidelines esp. with how dorms are and bringing in ppl OOS and internationally

CS/DSC is very impacted = a slimmer chance of being admitted under that major but you may be admitted into the university undeclared

Do you guys think I should risk it all and wait to see if I’ll get accepted to UCSD from the waitlist. Or drive 100 miles at most 3x a week from San diego to riverside for MechE at UCR where I was accepted?

You can always accept UCR and stay in Riverside if your waitlist at UCSD does not come through. There is no reason to risk it unless you plan to go community college route to try one more shot at UCSD (and any other dream UC you may have). Community college is a good route too.

Set your mind on UCR. It’s a great school

Isn’t it UCR commitment day already passed?

@hijack12 My D applied for CS and admitted as Un-declared. I called UCSD admission and asked if it can move my D to CS WL. She said any student getting off the WL will not be Engineering/CS and would be Un-declared as well. The Spring 2021 switch to CS chance was only 55 out of 348. Not really worth the risk.