**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

I have not done an analysis for a pattern on the UCSD’s waitlist. Last year was an exception, but in general there has been 2 waves. For this year, only a few UC’s have actually had waves (UCR and UCSC). For the rest of the UC’s, the waitlist admits have been trickling out slowly. Again, this year seems to be another unusual year so I cannot make any predictions.

We are almost into Mid-June so students should get excited about the school they are currently enrolled. If they happen to get off the waitlist, then it is icing on the cake.

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Yes - son has not been thinking about the waitlists at all - only me as a parent planning out scenarios just in case. Very likely he will stick to UCSC even if gets off from the remaining waitlist ones (example: UCSD if he gets in he will likely get in as undeclared).


Has anyone heard anything recent from an admissions officer about the waitlist?

yea, i just spoke to ao and she said at this point they’re not sure if they’re going to pull from waitlist, but she did say the date they’re shooting for to notify students is June 30th

Like right on June 30th? Or before then?

aw man i really hope they do pull from the waitlist… i like the school i’m committed too but my heart isn’t really set on it yet yk? i would love ucsd


Yeah i dont think we should have hope at this point. Chances are not looking good for us because they probably won’t pull off the waitlist since they are still unsure this far into the period.

Yeah as grim as you stated it, very true, not to mention how most likely only a small fraction of us who opted into the WL will receive a spot.

I think everyone on the UCD waitlist was just rejected off of it… seems like it’ll be the same for ucsd

do we think UCSD will do the same?

We shouldn’t reasonably think anything until they release the waitlists unfortunately. There’s no way to predict anything


Is it possible that they will be taking some people off of the waitlist? I’m a local SD student and my application was solid but I’m not sure if I will make it. I got off UCSB’s waitlist but I can’t attend because my family can’t afford it. UCSD is my last hope!! What should I do?

I hate repeating the cliche garbage we as WL applicants have to hear, but we have to be comfortable with the school of commitment, but I am still hoping for the best for you however.

Get comfortable and start loving the school you are committed too. We just have to wait for UCSD to release the waitlist decisions unfortunately :frowning:
I wish you the best of luck and you will do great wherever you go!

Apparently, people got off UCLA waitlist today. Hopefully we will see movement on SD soon. How can UCLA have openings but not UCD & maybe UCSD??


Possibly UCLA gave out fewer admits in the first place which meant some folks could get in from the waitlist.


Someone was asking about the waitlist under one of the posts on UCSD Admissions’s instagram (@ucsdadmissions), and UCSD responded saying that they “will release final waitlist decisions to applicants who opted-in to the waitlist by the end of June for first years and by the end of July for transfers”. UCSD technically didn’t deny that they aren’t taking anyone off the waitlist.


Contact financial aid at UCSB and let them know you need them to look at your FA page. If your are a Cal Grant student, you should be able to get some aid.

Still hoping for the best.

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Hi! I got off the waitlist yesterday morning for ucla. I’m also waitlisted here too, but idk how to withdraw my application. Anyways, I will be forfeiting my spot at UC Davis, and I know someone else who is in the exact same position as me