UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Did everyone who got an acceptance yesterday and today have an update on their portal? Or just an email?

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In state here and we got the email


So no update on the portal - just an email? Congrats, btw!


Mind sharing her stats? Also, are you in-state?

Anyone get off waitlist for CS? My son is waiting :weary:


DS In state came off the waitlist for his first choice which is ICAM too, but agreed it’s a weird major. Thankfully he is into both arts and sciences and I won’t be surprised if he switched majors if he chooses UCSD.
Also got accepted at UCD & Santa Cruz— had accepted SC where he’s in for CS&E

4.33 GPA plenty of AP/honors, average extracurriculars, but likely it was his essays.

If he had his way, he’d major in Rockstar Studies, as it seems all he cares about is performing with his metal band, head banging. :crazy_face:


I’m pretty sure ucsd makes it so if you’re waitlisted for cs at ucsd then you get accepted undeclared once you’re off the waitlist and it’s near impossible to declare cs once u get in since they basically put u in a lottery unfortunately

Any updates on the waitlist for physical science majors?

In State, with 4.48 weighted GPA/ 3.89 unweighted, 10+AP/honor classes. Sports: Tennis/Track captain/co-captain, average EC with some volunteering work and clubs.


did anyone in any of the psych majors get accepted off the waitlist?


So after may 16th, the second wave of acceptances should start rolling out, right?

I was waitlisted to UCSD with CS as my first choice major, and math-Cs as my second major. What are the chances of getting off for either?

Same majors. I think you’ll probably get math-cs or undeclared.



Still waiting
 Daughter has 3.92 unweighted 4.57 weighted. Admitted at UCR, UCD, UCSC. Also at Texas. Committed to BU but would take UCSD over BU. Finger Crossed but seems less likely now.


Sadly my understanding is that the waitlist for freshman housing at UCSD is extremely long thus any students admitted off the waitlist will be unable to find on-campus housing. Extremely frustrating that a school would admit more freshman than they can provide housing to.

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Really ?? That doesn’t sound good now I’m worried.

I wonder why they would do $uch a thing

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Just spoke to ucsd housing and they guarantee housing for waitlist and told me not to believe anything on the internet lol
 they are only accepting applications right now and are waiting for the waitlist students to put them in the same pool
 anyone wants more assurance just call the housing admin as I did right now.


Yeah, first year students are guaranteed housing