UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Sorry Wendy he got the email to check his portal for an update for his admission from the waitlist.

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Thank you so much for this clarification!

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Is there any message for international students?

i’m international. i didn’t hear anything yet.

Thank you for this clarification

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Have you visited BU yet? Boston is remarkable college town, and BU is very well regarded university.

did they only admit in state students during this round of waitlist acceptances? and if so, does that mean that other in state students don’t have a chance of getting off if there are more rounds?


Totally agreed! These kids work hard for 4 years, submit applications in November, and have to wait for 4 months for the decision to come out only to get waitlisted left and right and continue the grueling waiting game for another 2-3 months. It’s almost “inhumane” to these young adults. The schools want to “protect themselves” from over enrolling so they put these kids thru enormous amount of stress. “Unfair” is an understatement. My son only applied to UCs and CalState. He got into all the CalState he applied to, waitlisted by 3 UCs, but got a full ride offer from UCR. We have committed to UCR. He chose to go where he is valued and appreciated.


maybe they’re just trying to fill up spots in uncapped majors first?

Anyone got off the waitlist for school of engineering?


Good luck and Congratulations to your Son with UCR. I have a number of friend’s kids at UCR and they all love it. I am confident your son will be happy and do great things there.

I hope as a society we do better for future High School graduates including parents/teachers preparing kids mentally for handling this stress. My D22 seems to have gotten over it and is focusing on enjoying the next few weeks of Senior activities.


Any idea when the next wave will be?

could be any day maybe next monday 16th?

Yes we visited and she loved BU. I really loved UCD but she liked being in the city and all that Boston brings. If she ends up there, it will be great. UCSD would just save a lot of money and keep her on the west coast.


Is it ok to email the admissions office stating our continued interest for the ucsd ? Good idea or frowned upon?

UCSD does not consider a students level of interest. Rule of thumb for waitlists is to opt in then move on. Additional documentation will not be considered.

From the UCSD Waitlist FAQ it states do not send any documentation or LOR’s. https://registrar.ucsd.edu/studentlink/admitfaqnfrswait.pdf#page3


Will it negatively impact you if you already did?

most likely not at worst they’ll just ignore it. i’ve heard people sending in the past and still getting off

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No, they will just not look at it.

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Should we expect to see movement this coming week?