UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

My daughter is still on the waitlist for undeclared LA

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i’m still waitlisted for undeclared-social sciences if that helps anyone

Still holding on in Psychology!

Another Econ student here still on waitlist.


Public Health major student, still on waitlist.


Business psychology still on waitlist

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social psychology major still on waitlist

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data science major still on waitlist

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D22 on waitlist for Human Biology

My DS still waiting on Biochemistry. Seems there is no waitlist movement after May 26.I doubt if there will be anymore waves. Hoping for best.

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econ still on

is it unlikely there’ll be other waves?

Given that some waitlisters have subsequently received outright rejection emails, I’d say every day you don’t get a rejection email is a good sign that there’s still a chance. Maybe just wishful thinking.


still on waitlist for marine bio

Anyone still on the list for Poli Sci?


Still hanging on.

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Yes, my son is.

My son is too!

Got rejected from Davis yesterday, UCSB today. Still waiting on this last UC.


Same here. Just want this last decision to come out so I can be fully contented with UCSC.

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