<p>Anyone have any idea when the decisions will come out? Will it be in batches? I think I read somewhere that it's predicted to be on March 17th.</p>
<p>Also, has anyone gotten a supplemental from UCSD?</p>
<p>Two years ago the first batch came out around mid-March, and there were a few more batches until the last one on April 30st. That was for transfers I believe.</p>
<p>when i got my acceptance it was around the end of march or beginning of april.</p>
<p>Two of my friends claimed to have gotten a call today from UCSD showing them their acceptances.</p>
<p>I remember last year there were calls to students for acceptances like weeks in advance. I think the theory was that they called on the border kids: the ones who applied to UCSD but were probably good enough to get into schools like Cal or UCLA, so they made a personal call to sorta gain their favor.</p>
<p>Last year there were so many posts around this time, haha We were all so excited to get our acceptances (or sometimes, rejections
), but it was pretty fun talking about UCSD life and such :P</p>
<p>[Ms</a>. Sun’s UC Admissions Blog - UCSD Frosh Decision Calls Started](<a href=“Error”>Error)</p>
<p>Did anyone get a call today?</p>
<p>The word is that they do this for URM students and other groups. Hm.</p>
<p>Oh, that’s interesting! Any Asians out there get the call?</p>
<p>thats what i want to know. since asians are the largest group at ucsd would any get the call? im nervously waiting…</p>
<p>Same here. I was waiting by my phone last night because I heard UCSD was giving out calls, then I get a call from this number I don’t recognize with a weird area code. I got all excited, but it turned out it was just Cal Poly SLO calling me to invite me to some PolyCultural day. Imagine my disappointment.</p>
<p>I feel like they won’t call. Guess we’ll have to wait until end of march :/</p>
<p>iequalstudent - What’s wrong with Cal Poly? Smaller class sizes. More hands on learning. Low cost. Good value. Great reputation.
Others - What do you think? Where would YOU go for engineering if accepted to both Cal Poly and UCSD?</p>
<p>Oh, nothing is wrong with SLO. Haha, I didn’t mean it in a negative way. It’s just UCSD is one of my first choice and I was hoping to get a call from them.</p>
<p>i got it!!!</p>
<p>@pokemon When?</p>
<p>I just came by this if you guys are interested. It’s about the early calling campaign to underrepresented student population. [UC</a> San Diego Launches Initiatives to Increase Diversity](<a href=“http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/newsrel/general/03-12LaunchesInitiatives.asp]UC”>http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/newsrel/general/03-12LaunchesInitiatives.asp)</p>
<p>Pokemon what time did you get it and what are your stats? Also what’s your ethnicity?</p>
<p>I got the call around an hour ago.</p>
<p>Definitely not low-income, but I am multiracial. Perhaps that has something to do with it.</p>